// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. Foul Rift Rd owned by redacted-o9 in White Township, Warren County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, Foul Rift Rd, White Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2123_21_7

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: Foul Rift Rd, White Township, New Jersey
County: Warren
Block: 21, Lot: 7
Assessment (2023): $6,500
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,345
Area: 17792.7 acres
Perimeter: 30.00 miles
Population 2020: 4606
Pop Density 2020: 166/sq-mi

33 neighbors on block 21 in White Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.819523637893-75.0795334613842123_21_1177 Cr 620redacted-o8$164,700$3,954
40.819282729387-75.0794522073512123_21_2175 Cr 620redacted-o8$128,000$3,073
2123_21_3196 Foul Rift Roadredacted-o8$986,200$23,678
40.81882403626-75.0807165415492123_21_3_Q0200135 Cr 620redacted-o8$16,400$393
40.815706156836-75.0807625554532123_21_4158 Foul Rift Roadredacted-o8$355,800$8,542
2123_21_4_Q0200158 Foul Rift Roadredacted-o8$14,400$345
40.816304167574-75.0863177728582123_21_5156 Foul Rift Rdredacted-o8$180,300$4,329
2123_21_6140 Foul Rift Rdredacted-o8$384,000$9,219
40.81206833889-75.0821532153362123_21_6_Q0008Foul Rift Rdredacted-o8$85,000$2,040
2123_21_7Foul Rift Rdredacted-o8$6,500$156
40.810160089304-75.0897355007622123_21_7_QFARMFoul Rift Rdredacted-o8$60,900$1,462
40.807751921498-75.0818938689592123_21_7.01Village Driveredacted-o8$5,206,500$125,008
2123_21_7.02136 Foul Rift Rdredacted-o8$365,400$8,773
40.81241990239-75.0886153552172123_21_7.02_QFARMFoul Rift Roadredacted-o8$4,100$98
40.806503332429-75.077074017252123_21_7.03189 Cr 519redacted-o8$869,300$20,871
2123_21_7.03_Q0283189 Cr 519redacted-o8$4,300$103
40.804642509785-75.0787545205542123_21_7.041 Shotwell Driveredacted-o8$1,282,300
40.804787729126-75.0773636699942123_21_7.05187 Cr 519redacted-o8$1,601,800$38,459
40.807847997806-75.0959359284712123_21_8108 Foul Rift Rdredacted-o8$172,500$3,641
40.804679092559-75.0951911540562123_21_996 Foul Rift Rdredacted-o8$955,400$22,939
40.80289197228-75.0964692347552123_21_10_Q0236Foul Rift Rdredacted-o8$6,100$146
2123_21_1132 Foul Rift Rdredacted-o8$278,400$6,684
40.801933414876-75.0887049579712123_21_11_QFARMFoul Rift Rdredacted-o8$15,500$372
40.802424585719-75.0924498629712123_21_11.0148 Foul Rift Rdredacted-o8$257,400$6,180
40.800541378409-75.0869654427512123_21_11.0230 Foul Rift Rdredacted-o8$319,400$7,668
40.805908529659-75.0915784663332123_21_11.0340 Foul Rift Roadredacted-o8$750,000$18,007
40.805596327492-75.0863981096342123_21_12110-112 Foul Rift Roadredacted-o8$496,600$11,923
2123_21_12_QFARM110-112 Foul Rift Roadredacted-o8$74,700$1,793
40.799946476493-75.0855395265152123_21_1318 Foul Rift Rdredacted-o8$151,800$3,644
40.79933221147-75.0831024177952123_21_142 Foul Rift Rdredacted-o8$500,000
40.802164035983-75.0811484692412123_21_15185 Cr 519redacted-o8$3,141,300
2123_21_15.A1165 Cr 519redacted-o8$8,021,600
2123_21_15.A2175 Cr 519redacted-o8$1,310,600

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