// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 303 Grant Street owned by redacted-o9 in Phillipsburg, Warren County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 303 Grant Street, Phillipsburg, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2119_1204_3

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 303 Grant Street, Phillipsburg, New Jersey
County: Warren
Block: 1204, Lot: 3
Assessment (2023): $75,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,598
Area: 2130.54 acres
Perimeter: 9.98 miles
Population 2020: 15249
Pop Density 2020: 4581/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Phillipsburg whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.69419536668-75.1862122805752119_1206_1.04294 Grant Streetredacted-o8$178,900$7,506
40.694758954054-75.1860668272692119_1204_1285 Grant Streetredacted-o8$400,400
40.694022310679-75.1860609877372119_1206_2300 Grant Streetredacted-o8$111,800$4,691
40.693885395904-75.1859412711742119_1206_3306 Grant Streetredacted-o8$108,200$4,540
40.693813607672-75.1858784504082119_1206_4308 Grant Streetredacted-o8$83,000$3,482
40.693753456846-75.1858265919152119_1206_5310 Grant Streetredacted-o8$153,700$6,449
40.694232911718-75.1855508812172119_1204_3303 Grant Streetredacted-o8$75,000$3,147
40.694770920554-75.1855497275182119_1202_11286a Lincoln Streetredacted-o8$67,000$2,811
40.694723187286-75.185502915612119_1202_12288 Lincoln Streetredacted-o8$79,900$2,602
40.694107575091-75.18542825312119_1204_5305 Grant Streetredacted-o8$69,100$2,899
40.694643448607-75.1854247154562119_1202_13290 Lincoln Streetredacted-o8$88,600$3,717
40.694013244606-75.1853354561172119_1204_6309 Grant Streetredacted-o8$90,600$3,801
40.694518967989-75.1853026378622119_1202_14298 Lincoln Streetredacted-o8$78,400$3,289
40.69390325977-75.1852275956542119_1204_7315 Grant Streetredacted-o8$107,700$4,519
40.694424909082-75.1852103951532119_1202_15302 Lincoln Streetredacted-o8$66,900$2,807
40.694381343825-75.1851676720092119_1202_16304 Lincoln Streetredacted-o8$71,800$3,012
40.694337921869-75.1851250882412119_1202_17306 Lincoln Streetredacted-o8$76,900$3,226
40.693793274825-75.1851197361382119_1204_8327 Marshall Streetredacted-o8$110,600$4,640
40.694288747461-75.1850768639892119_1202_18Lincoln Streetredacted-o8$2,300$96
40.694206258791-75.1849959681222119_1202_19312 Lincoln Streetredacted-o8$47,600$1,997
40.69410530336-75.1848969634972119_1202_20314 Lincoln Streetredacted-o8$123,700$5,190
40.693946845858-75.1848743258282119_1202_21341 Marshall Streetredacted-o8$70,700$2,966
40.694723623576-75.1848361053642119_1115_17297 Lincoln Streetredacted-o8$78,200$3,281

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