// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 426 Homestead Court owned by redacted-o9 in Lopatcong Township, Warren County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 426 Homestead Court, Lopatcong Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2115_99_77_C0426

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 426 Homestead Court, Lopatcong Township, New Jersey
County: Warren
Block: 99, Lot: 77, QCode: C0426
Assessment (2023): $197,200
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 3,547
Area: 4721.25 acres
Perimeter: 15.56 miles
Population 2020: 8776
Pop Density 2020: 1190/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Lopatcong Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.699639870961-75.1397042174322115_99_84_C0440440 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$158,600$4,534
40.69970095855-75.1396589360182115_99_83_C0438438 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$183,100$5,234
40.699565454874-75.139636578822115_99_85_C0442442 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$178,900$5,114
40.699773319637-75.1396284421252115_99_82_C0436436 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$175,500$5,017
40.699780497746-75.1395293910932115_99_81_C0434434 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$170,900$4,886
40.699812268098-75.1394546917672115_99_80_C0432432 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$171,100$4,891
40.699840245856-75.1393889080882115_99_79_C0430430 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$166,600$4,763
40.699900692317-75.1393289712962115_99_78_C0428428 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$175,500$5,017
40.699882537779-75.1392320140452115_99_77_C0426426 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$197,200$5,637
40.699879877214-75.1391399235822115_99_76_C0424424 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$163,000$4,660
40.699797034022-75.1390920906392115_99_75_C0422422 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$178,900$5,114
40.699846781069-75.1388733518462115_99_74_C0420420 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$185,800$5,312
40.699884435262-75.1387652408012115_99_73_C0418418 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$175,700$5,023
40.699839807522-75.1386941472392115_99_72_C0416416 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$199,100$5,692
40.699398242922-75.1386690953322115_99_64_C0400400 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$185,800$5,312
40.69972881528-75.1386139309722115_99_70_C0412412 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$195,300$5,583
40.699804291049-75.1386058742862115_99_71_C0414414 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$204,700$5,852
40.699667279399-75.1385859117922115_99_69_C0410410 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$187,200$5,352
40.699613092091-75.1385612254832115_99_68_C0408408 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$177,500$5,074
40.699419582366-75.1385535535022115_99_65_C0402402 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$177,200$4,816
40.699488120882-75.1385339923522115_99_66_C0404404 Homestead Courtredacted-o8$215,100$6,149

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