// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 905 Barn Owl Way owned by redacted-o9 in Lopatcong Township, Warren County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 905 Barn Owl Way, Lopatcong Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2115_99_349_C0905

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 905 Barn Owl Way, Lopatcong Township, New Jersey
County: Warren
Block: 99, Lot: 349, QCode: C0905
Assessment (2023): $188,800
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 3,547
Area: 4721.25 acres
Perimeter: 15.56 miles
Population 2020: 8776
Pop Density 2020: 1190/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Lopatcong Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.698094021235-75.1433196115872115_99_219_C10021002 Deerhaven Terraceredacted-o8$185,900$5,314
40.697948647518-75.1433190443132115_99_221_C10061006 Deerhaven Terraceredacted-o8$190,900$5,457
40.698024299316-75.143309612332115_99_220_C10041004 Deerhaven Terraceredacted-o8$205,800$5,883
40.698142139463-75.1432189205252115_99_218_C10001000 Deerhaven Terraceredacted-o8$202,200$5,780
40.698392188341-75.1428050440732115_99_347_C0901901 Barn Owl Wayredacted-o8$232,600$6,650
40.698443581782-75.1427596607392115_99_348_C0903903 Barn Owl Wayredacted-o8$205,600$5,878
40.698486308887-75.1426980265282115_99_349_C0905905 Barn Owl Wayredacted-o8$188,800$5,397
40.699014730035-75.1426855130422115_99_356_C0919919 Barn Owl Wayredacted-o8$177,400$5,071
40.698536341043-75.1426432513662115_99_350_C0907907 Barn Owl Wayredacted-o8$185,400$5,300
40.698959784728-75.1426395759742115_99_355_C0917917 Barn Owl Wayredacted-o8$177,100$5,063
40.698902093253-75.1426048693252115_99_354_C0915915 Barn Owl Wayredacted-o8$200,600$5,735
40.698590183198-75.1425991460412115_99_351_C0909909 Barn Owl Wayredacted-o8$188,700$5,394
40.698853544189-75.1425543716992115_99_353_C0913913 Barn Owl Wayredacted-o8$224,700$6,424
40.698628532469-75.1425264329132115_99_352_C0911911 Barn Owl Wayredacted-o8$231,500$6,618
40.698292731647-75.1423537386122115_99_343_C11291129 Highland Courtredacted-o8$232,600$6,650
40.698238146213-75.1423031703312115_99_344_C11311131 Highland Courtredacted-o8$191,200$5,466
40.698167064069-75.1422703750242115_99_345_C11331133 Highland Courtredacted-o8$196,400$5,615
40.698107348808-75.1422520483492115_99_346_C11351135 Highland Courtredacted-o8$233,600$6,678
40.698494160097-75.1421978424692115_99_342_C11271127 Highland Courtredacted-o8$229,300$6,305
40.698511376752-75.1421205101582115_99_341_C11251125 Highland Courtredacted-o8$188,700$5,394
40.698910025895-75.1420599177142115_99_365_C0713713 Brandywine Wayredacted-o8$218,300$6,241
40.69854021626-75.1420290639732115_99_340_C11231123 Highland Courtredacted-o8$197,600$5,649
40.698906258543-75.1419794972892115_99_366_C0715715 Brandywine Wayredacted-o8$184,100$5,263

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