// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 412 Mt Hermon Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Hope Township, Warren County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 412 Mt Hermon Rd, Hope Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2111_1500_800_QFARM

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 412 Mt Hermon Rd, Hope Township, New Jersey
County: Warren
Block: 1500, Lot: 800, QCode: QFARM
Assessment (2023): $1,700
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 1,103
Area: 11706.2 acres
Perimeter: 17.11 miles
Population 2020: 1835
Pop Density 2020: 100/sq-mi

27 neighbors on block 1500 in Hope Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.929823962579-74.9974488899262111_1500_100145 Union Brick Rdredacted-o8$355,900$11,367
40.929006011494-74.9979219451932111_1500_200Mt Hermon Rdredacted-o8$400$12
40.928313677666-74.9987765788132111_1500_300428 Mt Hermon Rdredacted-o8$304,800$9,735
40.927709795123-74.9984571779732111_1500_400426 Mt Hermon Rdredacted-o8$243,700$7,783
40.927847613397-74.9972490152062111_1500_500424 Mt Hermon Rdredacted-o8$309,600$9,638
40.92686199215-74.9969698445692111_1500_600422 Mt Hermon Rdredacted-o8$58,000$1,852
40.926992391029-74.9970810854232111_1500_601Mt Hermon Rdredacted-o8$45,900
40.927394706629-74.9960076545272111_1500_700418 Mt Hermon Rdredacted-o8$119,300$3,560
2111_1500_800412 Mt Hermon Rdredacted-o8$163,600$5,225
2111_1500_800_QFARM412 Mt Hermon Rdredacted-o8$1,700$54
40.925594639122-74.9945681511852111_1500_900406 Mt Hermon Rdredacted-o8$273,400$8,732
40.925646100806-74.9939713157322111_1500_1000125 N Locust Lake Rdredacted-o8$187,300$5,982
40.926891835631-74.992386210152111_1500_1001131 N Locust Lake Rdredacted-o8$199,100$6,359
40.926319948446-74.993137159912111_1500_1002129 N Locust Lake Rdredacted-o8$246,900$7,635
40.928408322089-74.9918662563272111_1500_1100135 N Locust Lake Rdredacted-o8$102,100$3,261
40.930090893728-74.9904417168642111_1500_1200139 N Locust Lake Rdredacted-o8$82,700$2,641
40.928980995544-74.9898607378912111_1500_1201141 N Locust Lake Rdredacted-o8$209,400$6,688
40.929260470004-74.9895126323672111_1500_1203143 N Locust Lake Rdredacted-o8$175,100$5,592
40.929544498536-74.9891642569152111_1500_1204145 N Locust Lake Rdredacted-o8$173,000$5,525
40.930759984682-74.9882570268062111_1500_1300151 N Locust Lake Rdredacted-o8$191,500$6,116
40.93008339303-74.9883032061412111_1500_1301149 N Locust Lake Rdredacted-o8$321,100$10,255
40.930675392935-74.9873024117172111_1500_1302153 N Locust Lake Rdredacted-o8$188,400$6,017
40.929820093798-74.9942466502652111_1500_1500139 Union Brick Rdredacted-o8$136,000$4,343
40.930212614241-74.9969597079452111_1500_1501141 Union Brick Rdredacted-o8$15,600$498
2111_1500_1502143 Union Brick Rdredacted-o8$7,600$242
2111_1500_1600137 Union Brick Rdredacted-o8$216,500$6,915
40.931113606304-74.9946860888942111_1500_1600_QFARM137 Union Brick Rdredacted-o8$1,200$38

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