// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. Rt 57, 805 owned by redacted-o9 in Greenwich Township, Warren County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, Rt 57, 805, Greenwich Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2107_2_16_X

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: Rt 57, 805, Greenwich Township, New Jersey
County: Warren
Block: 2, Lot: 16, QCode: X
Assessment (2023): $384,400
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,063
Area: 6780.17 acres
Perimeter: 14.32 miles
Population 2020: 5473
Pop Density 2020: 517/sq-mi

30 neighbors on block 2 in Greenwich Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.713516661298-75.111572223712107_2_1Richline Hill Rd, 200redacted-o8$181,300$6,528
40.709590390167-75.1115584205772107_2_2_Q0003Richline Hill Rdredacted-o8$7,000$252
40.710005934719-75.1102038477362107_2_2.01Richline Hill Rd, 216redacted-o8$224,800$8,095
2107_2_2.02Richline Hill Roadredacted-o8$33,500$1,206
40.712003775722-75.1115847441632107_2_2.02_Q0004Richline Hill Rdredacted-o8$6,900$248
40.708852769231-75.1097968378182107_2_3Richline Hill Rd, 220redacted-o8$111,400$4,011
40.70771808235-75.1119122406482107_2_4.01Richline Hill Rd, 226-228redacted-o8$200,700$7,227
40.708043066704-75.1120601207762107_2_4.02Richline Hill Rd, 224redacted-o8$160,200$5,768
40.708426760391-75.1108870358962107_2_4.03Richline Hill Rd, 222redacted-o8$155,500$5,599
40.708210394435-75.1102599556722107_2_4.04Richline Hill Rd, 234redacted-o8$99,400$3,579
40.708639403001-75.1099495485112107_2_5Richline Hill Rd, 230redacted-o8$130,500$4,699
40.708180792443-75.1105580269892107_2_5.01Richline Hill Rd, 236, 232redacted-o8$169,600$5,857
40.707630567544-75.1108564390322107_2_6Richline Hill Rd, 238redacted-o8$263,300$9,571
40.707633453827-75.1092444675792107_2_7Richline Hill Rd, 240redacted-o8$165,100$5,945
40.707264678772-75.1093022425282107_2_8Rt 57, 831redacted-o8$116,700$4,202
40.70745482638-75.1098767969192107_2_9Rt 57, 827redacted-o8$114,700$4,130
40.706973768079-75.1097777603372107_2_10Rt 57, 825-829redacted-o8$363,200$13,078
40.707265287735-75.1101390123622107_2_11Rt 57, 823redacted-o8$103,100$3,712
40.70707779884-75.1108345927462107_2_12Rt 57, 817redacted-o8$54,600$1,716
40.706733825899-75.1105274323132107_2_12.01Rt 57, 819-821redacted-o8$290,400$10,457
40.706710283143-75.1113184105142107_2_13Rt 57, 815redacted-o8$49,700$1,789
40.706373058796-75.111524223372107_2_14Rt 57, 813redacted-o8$118,200$4,256
40.706240687953-75.1119066362372107_2_15Rt 57, 809redacted-o8$32,700$1,177
40.70673822384-75.1118778722682107_2_15.01Rt 57, 811redacted-o8$252,700$9,099
40.707393337701-75.1130053124742107_2_16Route 57redacted-o8
2107_2_16_XRt 57, 805redacted-o8$384,400
40.705732313639-75.1135646476112107_2_16.01Rt 57, 803redacted-o8$250,500$9,020
40.705456912801-75.1141144384632107_2_17Rt 57, 801redacted-o8$107,100$3,856
40.707814056692-75.1137618528082107_2_18Rt 57redacted-o8$22,300$803
40.711250461575-75.1128640674732107_2_20Lows Hollow Rd, 305redacted-o8$209,800$7,554

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