// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 47 Barn Owl Drive owned by redacted-o9 in Allamuchy Township, Warren County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 47 Barn Owl Drive, Allamuchy Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2101_717_135

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 47 Barn Owl Drive, Allamuchy Township, New Jersey
County: Warren
Block: 717, Lot: 135
Assessment (2023): $156,600
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,817
Area: 12973.2 acres
Perimeter: 18.83 miles
Population 2020: 5335
Pop Density 2020: 263/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Allamuchy Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.906682045027-74.8575509890832101_717_14340 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$156,600$5,897
40.906736607416-74.8574960639392101_717_14241 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$185,800$6,997
40.906792047702-74.8574402586372101_717_14142 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$162,800$6,131
40.906835031525-74.857396987932101_717_14043 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$186,000$7,004
40.906895461902-74.8573319315822101_717_13944 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$190,200$6,912
40.907105997586-74.8570664637442101_717_13345 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$190,200$7,162
40.90716922863-74.8569686274212101_717_13446 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$162,200$6,108
40.907197867784-74.8569180443962101_717_13547 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$156,600$5,897
40.907229512608-74.8568621538822101_717_13648 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$202,700$7,633
40.906726160387-74.856836118912101_717_11729 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$170,700$6,428
40.907263944241-74.8568013424892101_717_13749 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$186,000$7,004
40.907313757116-74.8567133672062101_717_13850 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$180,900$6,812
40.90676201891-74.8567053581552101_717_11830 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$188,200$7,087
40.906778235991-74.8566387934562101_717_11931 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$169,000$6,364
40.906793336157-74.8565767826432101_717_12032 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$156,600$5,897
40.906814317788-74.8564906216672101_717_12133 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$206,300$7,769
40.907368900661-74.8564126963072101_717_12551 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$195,100$7,347
40.906835642426-74.8564030768092101_717_12234 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$183,000$6,891
40.906852173448-74.8563351979782101_717_12335 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$186,000$7,004
40.907430060748-74.8562989661732101_717_12652 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$181,200$6,823
40.907460063122-74.8562413160592101_717_12753 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$183,000$6,891
40.906876240565-74.8562363744372101_717_12436 Barn Owl Driveredacted-o8$190,200$7,162

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