// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 628 Ripley Pl owned by redacted-o9 in Westfield, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 628 Ripley Pl, Westfield, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2020_4002_7

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 628 Ripley Pl, Westfield, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 4002, Lot: 7
Assessment (2023): $323,600
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,133
Area: 4314.41 acres
Perimeter: 14.17 miles
Population 2020: 31032
Pop Density 2020: 4603/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Westfield whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.648428567126-74.3384471773822020_4002_17619 Stirling Placeredacted-o8$66,600$1,469
40.648873128805-74.3383812413652020_4002_2612 Ripley Plredacted-o8$580,600$12,808
40.648363902614-74.3383420212062020_4002_16623 Stirling Placeredacted-o8$293,300$6,470
40.648802427917-74.3382662706612020_4002_3614 Ripley Plredacted-o8$380,300$8,389
40.648277681802-74.3382018140292020_4002_15625 Stirling Placeredacted-o8$503,800$11,113
40.648737763075-74.3381611142562020_4002_4616 Ripley Plredacted-o8$392,800$8,665
40.648679132818-74.3380657730322020_4002_5620 Ripley Plredacted-o8$325,100$7,171
40.648191461093-74.3380616068042020_4002_14629 Stirling Placeredacted-o8$483,800$10,672
40.648601534411-74.3379395857222020_4002_6624 Ripley Plredacted-o8$597,300$13,176
40.647983071119-74.3378846712382020_4002_13203 Livingston Stredacted-o8$451,300$9,955
40.648515313648-74.3377993784882020_4002_7628 Ripley Plredacted-o8$323,600$6,888
40.647984115645-74.3377602922472020_4002_12205 Livingston Stredacted-o8$284,000$6,265
40.648037511074-74.3377036920242020_4002_11207 Livingston Stredacted-o8$300,800$6,635
40.648442025805-74.3376802022152020_4002_8630 Ripley Plredacted-o8$349,300$7,705
40.648138725804-74.337611309192020_4002_10.02209-211 Livingston St Coredacted-o8
40.648081945643-74.3376043251252020_4002_10.02_C0001209 Livingston Stredacted-o8$457,200$10,085
40.648127844149-74.3375573624792020_4002_10.02_C0002211 Livingston Stredacted-o8$458,200$10,107
40.648272189973-74.3374696865352020_4002_10.01215-217 Livingston St Coredacted-o8
40.648215603139-74.3374646591762020_4002_10.01_C0001215 Livingston Averedacted-o8$461,500$10,180
40.649001061334-74.337446096512020_4003_22625 Ripley Plredacted-o8$704,300$15,536
40.648261543639-74.337415210042020_4002_10.01_C0002217 Livingston Stredacted-o8$458,200$10,107
40.648384580002-74.3373357895562020_4002_9219 Livingston Stredacted-o8$333,600$7,359
40.648895457387-74.3372798532982020_4003_21629-631 Ripley Plredacted-o8$231,400$18,543
40.648626768394-74.3370986858992020_4003_20305 Livingston Stredacted-o8$465,900$10,277

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