// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 703 Colonial Arms Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Union Township, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 703 Colonial Arms Rd, Union Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2019_604_10

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 703 Colonial Arms Rd, Union Township, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 604, Lot: 10
Assessment (2023): $45,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 17,824
Area: 5814.18 acres
Perimeter: 19.56 miles
Population 2020: 59728
Pop Density 2020: 6575/sq-mi

18 neighbors in Union Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.679396579835-74.2495184435592019_603_361128 Richmond Plredacted-o8$43,300$9,382
40.679418520394-74.2488654223442019_604_141121 Richmond Plredacted-o8$43,100$9,339
40.679473442173-74.249788559842019_603_2683 Colonial Arms Rdredacted-o8$45,500$9,859
40.679541076723-74.2489922912882019_604_131125 Richmond Plredacted-o8$43,700$9,469
40.679591187108-74.2496324216462019_603_1689 Colonial Arms Rdredacted-o8$45,100$9,772
40.679610397925-74.2487019158562019_604_15728 Lehigh Averedacted-o8$39,600$8,580
40.679712369389-74.2490392011652019_604_121131 Richmond Plredacted-o8$51,100$10,822
40.679756718944-74.2486164849192019_604_16732 Lehigh Averedacted-o8$45,600$9,881
40.679803679416-74.2493474190132019_604_11697 Colonial Arms Rdredacted-o8$50,900$11,029
40.679911083018-74.2491901697852019_604_10703 Colonial Arms Rdredacted-o8$45,700$9,902
40.680003565648-74.2490266933722019_604_9707 Colonial Arms Rdredacted-o8$51,500$11,159
40.680015214402-74.2498636972652019_601_32692 Colonial Arms Rdredacted-o8$46,500$10,076
40.680084461546-74.2488351173332019_604_8711 Colonial Arms Rdredacted-o8$51,100$11,072
40.680113521356-74.2497125760452019_601_33696 Colonial Arms Rdredacted-o8$46,000$9,967
40.680156610063-74.2486352789792019_604_7717 Colonial Arms Rdredacted-o8$65,700$13,986
40.680217628395-74.2495688052722019_601_34700 Colonial Arms Rdredacted-o8$50,500$10,942
40.680320302505-74.2494165113622019_601_35704 Colonial Arms Rdredacted-o8$46,600$10,097
40.680419315266-74.249263041482019_601_36708 Colonial Arms Rdredacted-o8$48,400$10,487

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