// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 902 Lafayette Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Union Township, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 902 Lafayette Ave, Union Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2019_4104_10

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 902 Lafayette Ave, Union Township, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 4104, Lot: 10
Assessment (2023): $74,700
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 17,824
Area: 5814.18 acres
Perimeter: 19.56 miles
Population 2020: 59728
Pop Density 2020: 6575/sq-mi

19 neighbors in Union Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.695389361492-74.2812823726882019_4018_16190 Millton Averedacted-o8$54,200$11,744
40.695414663089-74.2803596606952019_4106_31891 Lafayette Averedacted-o8$39,700$8,602
40.695541540592-74.2802942411072019_4106_32899 Lafayette Averedacted-o8$52,800$11,441
40.695678858095-74.2802394902222019_4106_33901 Lafayette Averedacted-o8$48,000$10,401
40.695693400021-74.280755150952019_4104_11185 Millton Averedacted-o8$46,400$9,804
40.695795896269-74.2809622684282019_4104_12191 Millton Averedacted-o8$44,000$9,534
40.695826489509-74.2801328973462019_4106_34907 Lafayette Averedacted-o8$43,600$9,447
40.695914861709-74.2807126341082019_4104_10902 Lafayette Averedacted-o8$74,700$15,936
40.695928179901-74.281069721732019_4104_13195 Millton Averedacted-o8$40,600$8,797
40.695978210156-74.2800521039762019_4106_35913 Lafayette Averedacted-o8$43,200$9,361
40.695994145385-74.2812250748682019_4104_14199 Millton Averedacted-o8$40,100$8,689
40.696059293126-74.2805047348372019_4104_9.02186 Hoover Plredacted-o8$65,900$14,279
40.696068604291-74.2813763796962019_4104_15203 Millton Averedacted-o8$40,100$8,689
40.69613877297-74.2806675592122019_4104_9.01190 Hoover Plredacted-o8$59,000$12,784
40.696209151746-74.2808243560812019_4104_8194 Hoover Plredacted-o8$46,500$10,076
40.696281825807-74.2809862661122019_4104_7196 Hoover Plredacted-o8$43,300$9,382
40.696352439409-74.2811462663762019_4104_6202 Hoover Plredacted-o8$20,000$4,333
40.696415759802-74.2804390856442019_4105_8916 Lafayette Averedacted-o8$42,500$9,209
40.696423705226-74.2813025372792019_4104_5204 Hoover Plredacted-o8$40,900$8,862

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