// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 669 Thoreau Terr owned by redacted-o9 in Union Township, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 669 Thoreau Terr, Union Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2019_2719_20

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 669 Thoreau Terr, Union Township, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 2719, Lot: 20
Assessment (2023): $42,100
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 17,824
Area: 5814.18 acres
Perimeter: 19.56 miles
Population 2020: 59728
Pop Density 2020: 6575/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Union Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.687687958092-74.2650183061182019_2713_12658 Thoreau Terrredacted-o8$47,900$10,379
40.687746646334-74.2644852619912019_2719_23657 Thoreau Terrredacted-o8$41,000$8,884
40.687825438622-74.2641482492152019_2719_24.01656 Lillian Terrredacted-o8$45,400$9,837
40.687830093553-74.2650463550082019_2713_13662 Thoreau Terrredacted-o8$48,300$10,466
40.687864621223-74.2645082580552019_2719_22661 Thoreau Terrredacted-o8$37,600$8,147
40.687968053797-74.2650734544592019_2713_14668 Thoreau Terrredacted-o8$48,800$10,574
40.687971759456-74.264529025292019_2719_21665 Thoreau Terrredacted-o8$47,600$10,314
40.687996288891-74.2641801476172019_2719_27.01666 Lillian Terrredacted-o8$43,800$9,491
40.688078076854-74.2645496331732019_2719_20669 Thoreau Terrredacted-o8$42,100$9,122
40.688101555035-74.2650998381792019_2713_15670 Thoreau Terrredacted-o8$56,500$12,676
40.688146179483-74.2642084672652019_2719_28670 Lillian Terrredacted-o8$52,900$11,462
40.688185486208-74.264570453172019_2719_19673 Thoreau Terrredacted-o8$43,200$9,361
40.688222811395-74.2651243520622019_2713_16676 Thoreau Terrredacted-o8$44,000$9,534
40.688292080721-74.2645911149162019_2719_18677 Thoreau Terrredacted-o8$41,800$9,057
40.688306574108-74.264240362782019_2719_29676 Lillian Terrredacted-o8$45,000$9,751
40.688335048028-74.2651447199882019_2713_17680 Thoreau Terrredacted-o8$45,200$9,794
40.688399147733-74.2646118684832019_2719_17681 Thoreau Terrredacted-o8$41,100$8,905
40.688442274194-74.2651678565732019_2713_18684 Thoreau Terrredacted-o8$35,200$7,627
40.68850707911-74.2646327896462019_2719_16685 Thoreau Terrredacted-o8$39,700$8,352
40.688547981466-74.2651889012382019_2713_19688 Thoreau Terrredacted-o8$40,600$8,797

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