// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 634 Carlyle Pl owned by redacted-o9 in Union Township, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 634 Carlyle Pl, Union Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2019_2710_21

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 634 Carlyle Pl, Union Township, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 2710, Lot: 21
Assessment (2023): $40,800
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 17,824
Area: 5814.18 acres
Perimeter: 19.56 miles
Population 2020: 59728
Pop Density 2020: 6575/sq-mi

27 neighbors in Union Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.686524652415-74.26604981092019_2710_9611 Self Master Pkwyredacted-o8$39,500$8,559
40.686555601251-74.2651346894172019_2714_9615 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$39,400$8,537
40.686568703394-74.2656994884382019_2710_16616 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$49,600$10,747
40.686635656822-74.2660706334022019_2710_8615 Self Master Pkwyredacted-o8$38,900$8,429
40.686668199582-74.2651560861872019_2714_8619 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$43,500$9,426
40.686709457637-74.2657252006072019_2710_18.01622 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$40,600$8,797
40.686745995622-74.2660913307112019_2710_7619 Self Master Pkwyredacted-o8$40,100$8,689
40.686777494681-74.2651768552532019_2714_7623 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$40,300
40.686836312293-74.265748373272019_2710_19626 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$41,500$8,992
40.686857936471-74.2661123183522019_2710_6623 Self Master Pkwyredacted-o8$40,400$8,754
40.686887993492-74.2651978533082019_2714_6627 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$40,400$8,754
40.686945587924-74.2657683351732019_2710_20630 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$43,400$9,404
40.686970713343-74.2661330525682019_2710_5627 Self Master Pkwyredacted-o8$40,100$8,689
40.686997825316-74.265218724362019_2714_5631 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$38,600$8,364
40.687055168615-74.2657883525632019_2710_21634 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$40,800$8,840
40.68708610569-74.2661538705352019_2710_4631 Self Master Pkwyredacted-o8$40,900$8,612
40.687105639477-74.2652392126762019_2714_4635 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$40,200$8,710
40.687169135225-74.2658091707442019_2710_22638 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$39,200$8,494
40.687196027011-74.266173701372019_2710_3635 Self Master Pkwyredacted-o8$41,300$8,949
40.687213075386-74.2652596290952019_2714_3639 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$38,700$8,385
40.687278968296-74.2658292351032019_2710_23642 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$40,000$8,667
40.687304068522-74.2661931931832019_2710_2639 Self Master Pkwyredacted-o8$40,300$8,732
40.687319472968-74.2652789791852019_2714_2643 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$41,000$8,884
40.68739338352-74.2658584274872019_2710_24646 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$41,800$9,057
40.687405448285-74.2662209858192019_2710_1643 Self Master Pkwyredacted-o8$42,700$9,252
40.687424767918-74.2653005868952019_2714_1647 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$40,900$8,862
40.687599856805-74.2659179968082019_2711_13654 Carlyle Plredacted-o8$38,600$8,364

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