// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1860 Cider Mill Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Union Township, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1860 Cider Mill Rd, Union Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2019_2312_4

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1860 Cider Mill Rd, Union Township, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 2312, Lot: 4
Assessment (2023): $74,300
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 17,824
Area: 5814.18 acres
Perimeter: 19.56 miles
Population 2020: 59728
Pop Density 2020: 6575/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Union Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.697897338439-74.2603320708352019_2312_191845 Vauxhall Rdredacted-o8$42,500$9,209
40.697953479533-74.2601442526642019_2312_181841 Vauxhall Rdredacted-o8$40,300$8,732
40.698006552305-74.259841645222019_2312_171835 Vauxhall Rdredacted-o8$63,100$13,673
40.698045899486-74.2595430295372019_2312_161827 Vauxhall Rdredacted-o8$39,500$8,559
40.698057667239-74.2593452936082019_2312_151823 Vauxhall Rdredacted-o8$40,000$8,667
40.698066797574-74.2591417415862019_2312_141819 Vauxhall Rdredacted-o8$47,500$10,292
40.698071524446-74.2589413980652019_2312_131815 Vauxhall Rdredacted-o8$40,400$8,754
40.698204054168-74.2602516304672019_2312_11874 Cider Mill Rdredacted-o8$47,900$10,379
40.698252764484-74.2600310159552019_2312_21870 Cider Mill Rdredacted-o8$47,700$10,336
40.698299365687-74.2598307294022019_2312_31866 Cider Mill Rdredacted-o8$49,800$10,791
40.698336944639-74.2596311271852019_2312_41860 Cider Mill Rdredacted-o8$74,300$16,100
40.698350191447-74.2592083852192019_2312_61850 Cider Mill Rdredacted-o8$46,900$10,162
40.698351454956-74.2594219291632019_2312_51856 Cider Mill Rdredacted-o8$49,400$10,704
40.69835226754-74.2589896716822019_2312_71844 Cider Mill Rdredacted-o8$52,100$11,289
40.698638416737-74.2601687502662019_2311_22.011875 Cider Mill Rdredacted-o8$52,600$11,397
40.698693365035-74.2599584378922019_2311_211869 Cider Mill Rdredacted-o8$47,900$10,379
40.698732941601-74.2597642942019_2311_201865 Cider Mill Rdredacted-o8$49,400$10,704
40.69875794946-74.2595542834912019_2311_191861 Cider Mill Rdredacted-o8$46,600$10,097
40.69877041902-74.2593350976432019_2311_181855 Cider Mill Rdredacted-o8$50,000$10,834
40.698772266622-74.2591185771342019_2311_171849 Cider Mill Rdredacted-o8$39,800$8,624

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