// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 124 So Maple Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Springfield Township, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 124 So Maple Ave, Springfield Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2017_905_27

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 124 So Maple Ave, Springfield Township, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 905, Lot: 27
Assessment (2023): $500,200
Effective Flood Zone: AE
Preliminary Flood Zone: AE

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,391
Area: 3310.26 acres
Perimeter: 11.72 miles
Population 2020: 17178
Pop Density 2020: 3321/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Springfield Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.70494125927-74.3078920346612017_905_7157 Meisel Averedacted-o8$405,800$9,479
40.704989226862-74.3067297389522017_906_5139 So Maple Averedacted-o8$409,800$9,322
40.705031584972-74.3073953983782017_905_30136 So Maple Averedacted-o8$420,700$9,827
40.705080650858-74.3067251179092017_906_6137 So Maple Averedacted-o8$436,800$10,203
40.705121500324-74.3078600882272017_905_8153 Meisel Averedacted-o8$525,400$12,273
40.705168734884-74.3073884687282017_905_29132 So Maple Averedacted-o8$390,400$9,119
40.70521210895-74.3067184742762017_906_7135 South Maple Avenueredacted-o8$444,600$10,385
40.705275798587-74.3078403971252017_905_9149 Meisel Averedacted-o8$462,200$10,546
40.705305884796-74.3073815390392017_905_28128 So Maple Averedacted-o8$434,600$10,152
40.705366429982-74.3067106756972017_906_8129 So Maple Averedacted-o8$445,900$10,416
40.705430382386-74.3078271272212017_905_10145 Meisel Averedacted-o8$515,300$12,037
40.705443034692-74.3073746088432017_905_27124 So Maple Averedacted-o8$500,200$11,684
40.705503579843-74.306703744632017_906_9125 So Maple Averedacted-o8$474,500$11,084
40.705580184332-74.3073676785742017_905_26120 So Maple Averedacted-o8$449,500$10,500
40.705584795957-74.3078186655982017_905_11141 Meisel Averedacted-o8$454,100$10,607
40.705640729672-74.3066968130032017_906_10121 So Maple Averedacted-o8$461,000$10,768
40.70571733424-74.3073607485392017_905_25116 So Maple Averedacted-o8$462,900$10,813
40.705730517922-74.307811303982017_905_12137 Meisel Averedacted-o8$437,300$10,215
40.705756154836-74.3066909788072017_906_11119 So Maple Averedacted-o8$430,700$10,061
40.705849855606-74.3066862442582017_906_12115 So Maple Averedacted-o8$430,500$10,056
40.7058544843-74.3073538189182017_905_24112 So Maple Averedacted-o8$528,100$12,336
40.705867668097-74.3078043742552017_905_13133 Meisel Averedacted-o8$562,200$13,132
40.705943556314-74.3066815078672017_906_13113 So Maple Averedacted-o8$466,600$10,899

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