// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 2223 Pine Terrace owned by redacted-o9 in Scotch Plains Township, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 2223 Pine Terrace, Scotch Plains Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2016_2903_18

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 2223 Pine Terrace, Scotch Plains Township, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 2903, Lot: 18
Assessment (2023): $78,200
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,203
Area: 5795.69 acres
Perimeter: 20.21 miles
Population 2020: 24968
Pop Density 2020: 2757/sq-mi

18 neighbors in Scotch Plains Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.658743149193-74.3958400168362016_2903_1237 Westfield Roadredacted-o8$75,500$8,622
40.658802235499-74.3948190879072016_2904_152217 Mountain Averedacted-o8$73,800$8,428
40.658831001726-74.395205711012016_2904_42210 Pine Terraceredacted-o8$79,700$9,102
40.658851249675-74.3960228501222016_2903_2233 Westfield Roadredacted-o8$77,500$8,601
40.658939749743-74.3957324907752016_2903_192209 Pine Terraceredacted-o8$61,700$7,046
40.65894459988-74.3950807410582016_2904_52216 Pine Terraceredacted-o8$79,800$9,113
40.659084880259-74.3959883787132016_2903_42208 Paff Placeredacted-o8$80,000$9,136
40.659105212253-74.394959424022016_2904_62222 Pine Terraceredacted-o8$91,000$10,781
40.65915701454-74.3956873299182016_2903_52215 Pine Terraceredacted-o8$100,800$12,940
40.659259289244-74.3947478193082016_2904_72228 Pine Terraceredacted-o8$89,900$10,267
40.659287166816-74.3954444428272016_2903_182223 Pine Terraceredacted-o8$78,200$8,931
40.659397718145-74.3957577451292016_2903_62218 Paff Placeredacted-o8$76,500$8,737
40.659452926895-74.3953295126492016_2903_172227 Pine Terraceredacted-o8$82,200$9,388
40.659570713864-74.3956901611322016_2903_72228 Paff Placeredacted-o8$91,100$10,404
40.659601779265-74.3951052326222016_2903_162233 Pine Terraceredacted-o8$72,500$8,280
40.659684592892-74.3955377247532016_2903_82232 Paff Placeredacted-o8$96,600$11,032
40.65971978194-74.3949051720832016_2903_152237 Pine Terraceredacted-o8$104,700$11,957
40.659775441716-74.3954015504212016_2903_92236 Paff Placeredacted-o8$140,700$16,069

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