// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 186 Maple St owned by redacted-o9 in Roselle Park Borough, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 186 Maple St, Roselle Park Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2015_707_26

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 186 Maple St, Roselle Park Borough, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 707, Lot: 26
Assessment (2023): $223,200
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 3,704
Area: 783.622 acres
Perimeter: 5.18 miles
Population 2020: 13967
Pop Density 2020: 11407/sq-mi

17 neighbors in Roselle Park Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.6712332387-74.2606952402632015_707_22170 Maple Stredacted-o8$221,500$9,551
40.6713433384-74.2605927440682015_707_23174 Maple Stredacted-o8$233,700$10,077
40.671394814988-74.2598082196282015_707_28332 Reindel Plredacted-o8$227,000$9,788
40.671455307482-74.2604885071262015_707_24178 Maple Stredacted-o8$211,100$9,102
40.671468171967-74.260067678582015_707_27340 Reindel Plredacted-o8$232,700$10,034
40.671530232924-74.2595619186412015_707_29328 Reindel Plredacted-o8$225,100$9,706
40.671569169751-74.26038250712015_707_25182 Maple Stredacted-o8$225,200$9,710
40.671683930062-74.2602756353632015_707_26186 Maple Stredacted-o8$223,200$9,624
40.671736269519-74.2609507010732015_703_17181 Maple Stredacted-o8$236,700$10,206
40.671847722738-74.2608454976542015_703_16185 Maple Stredacted-o8$226,200$9,503
40.671913628964-74.2600621075222015_704_1198 Maple Stredacted-o8$223,500$9,637
40.671939526219-74.259682237742015_704_9325 Reindel Plredacted-o8$247,000$10,650
40.671959175807-74.2607402936392015_703_15189 Maple Stredacted-o8$245,300$10,577
40.672028175823-74.2599548363282015_704_2204 Maple Stredacted-o8$227,200$9,796
40.67207062864-74.2606350890762015_703_14193 Maple Stredacted-o8$244,400$10,538
40.672139895816-74.2598501206262015_704_3208 Maple Stredacted-o8$219,100$9,447
40.672181837881-74.2605298049722015_703_13197 Maple Stredacted-o8$241,200$10,400

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