// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 461 Brookside Dr owned by redacted-o9 in Roselle Borough, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 461 Brookside Dr, Roselle Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2014_7304_8

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 461 Brookside Dr, Roselle Borough, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 7304, Lot: 8
Assessment (2023): $109,000
Effective Flood Zone: AE X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,904
Area: 1692.8 acres
Perimeter: 7.02 miles
Population 2020: 22695
Pop Density 2020: 8580/sq-mi

16 neighbors in Roselle Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.640273098296-74.2634854139092014_7304_5473 Brookside Drredacted-o8$120,400$10,206
40.640327546723-74.2640174333782014_7303_10474 Brookside Drredacted-o8$116,400$9,867
40.640428402198-74.2633860486412014_7304_6469 Brookside Drredacted-o8$123,100$10,435
40.640465325533-74.263936389432014_7303_9470 Brookside Drredacted-o8$100,000$8,477
40.640602812129-74.2633393818672014_7304_7465 Brookside Drredacted-o8$114,000$9,663
40.640622215113-74.2638556167252014_7303_8464 Brookside Drredacted-o8$120,500$10,214
40.640716806714-74.2631642949872014_4601_9Rear 1330 Shaffer Averedacted-o8$15,000
40.640752005057-74.2640686628272014_7303_7454 Brookside Drredacted-o8$157,600$13,359
40.640790332869-74.2634696559282014_7304_8461 Brookside Drredacted-o8$109,000$9,239
40.640956931432-74.2631052588152014_4601_81330 Shaffer Averedacted-o8$137,700$11,672
40.641012141028-74.2634378427182014_4601_10Rear 1326 Shaffer Averedacted-o8$15,000
40.641075520842-74.2636662265882014_7404_14453 Brookside Drredacted-o8$105,400$8,934
40.641146216545-74.2632953986662014_4601_71326 Shaffer Averedacted-o8$143,100$12,130
40.641188143598-74.2639034926182014_7404_13449 Brookside Drredacted-o8$91,500$7,756
40.641280470412-74.2641003123322014_7404_12445 Brookside Drredacted-o8$131,500$11,147
40.641335506833-74.2634632868842014_4601_61322 Shaffer Averedacted-o8$134,200$11,376

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