// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 983 Jaques Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Rahway, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 983 Jaques Ave, Rahway, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2013_83_7

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 983 Jaques Ave, Rahway, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 83, Lot: 7
Assessment (2023): $91,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,479
Area: 2586.85 acres
Perimeter: 7.86 miles
Population 2020: 29556
Pop Density 2020: 7312/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Rahway whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.602548516894-74.283123609312013_83_1933-937 Jaques Averedacted-o8$189,600$13,598
40.60259068523-74.2823240934352013_83_15966 Broad Stredacted-o8$118,200$8,477
40.60263346657-74.2830175738182013_83_2945 Jaques Averedacted-o8$114,100$8,183
40.602673824136-74.2822326513442013_83_14974 Broad Stredacted-o8$116,400$8,348
40.602707752858-74.2829361861752013_83_3951 Jaques Averedacted-o8$136,000$9,753
40.602759504073-74.2818861950382013_83_1342 W Hazelwood Averedacted-o8$91,700$6,576
40.602783146473-74.2828342058422013_83_4959 Jaques Averedacted-o8$111,000$7,960
40.60279486995-74.2820082860372013_83_1248 W Hazelwood Averedacted-o8$115,900$8,312
40.602851403418-74.2827184983172013_83_5967 Jaques Averedacted-o8$116,400$8,348
40.602854785237-74.2821228127612013_83_1156 W Hazelwood Averedacted-o8$144,900$10,142
40.602915373386-74.2822392472492013_83_1064 W Hazelwood Averedacted-o8$109,900$7,882
40.602943232248-74.2826165705822013_83_6977 Jaques Averedacted-o8$148,400$10,643
40.602986112574-74.2823570235392013_83_972 W Hazelwood Averedacted-o8$115,000$8,247
40.603066003595-74.2826006567512013_83_7983 Jaques Averedacted-o8$91,700$6,576
40.603119389983-74.2825172801412013_83_8987 Jaques Averedacted-o8$98,900$7,093
40.603224979806-74.2832922678252013_93_2968 Jaques Averedacted-o8$203,800$14,616
40.603330232425-74.283110451912013_93_1978 Jaques Avenueredacted-o8$194,300$13,935
40.603384702662-74.2822631313822013_84_11011 Jaques Averedacted-o8$173,900$12,472
40.603394730782-74.2819089568342013_84_2669 W Hazelwood Averedacted-o8$121,200$8,692
40.603486791646-74.2821473881912013_84_21023 Jaques Averedacted-o8$129,000$9,251
40.603541398405-74.2820902958252013_84_31027 Jaques Averedacted-o8$116,700$8,369
40.603601945933-74.2828177912432013_92_91004 Jaques Averedacted-o8$197,400$14,157
40.603607753104-74.2820209486822013_84_41033 Jaques Averedacted-o8$104,100$7,466

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