// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 565 Sycamore St owned by redacted-o9 in Rahway, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 565 Sycamore St, Rahway, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2013_61_16

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 565 Sycamore St, Rahway, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 61, Lot: 16
Assessment (2023): $151,200
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,479
Area: 2586.85 acres
Perimeter: 7.86 miles
Population 2020: 29556
Pop Density 2020: 7312/sq-mi

17 neighbors in Rahway whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.601829772169-74.2943218813042013_62_20526 Sycamore Stredacted-o8$152,900$10,965
40.601846578591-74.2949266697282013_62_17465 Madison Averedacted-o8$124,800$8,950
40.601867298662-74.2945706406432013_62_19538 Sycamore Stredacted-o8$165,200$11,848
40.601993662119-74.2948880109712013_62_18475 Madison Averedacted-o8$153,700$11,023
40.602035623163-74.2955478980762013_55_26462 Madison Averedacted-o8$161,000$11,546
40.602267776614-74.2942641868252013_61_13535 Sycamore Stredacted-o8$136,900$9,818
40.602301614038-74.2944858447472013_61_14545 Sycamore Stredacted-o8$144,900$10,392
40.60233494771-74.2947067826212013_61_15555 Sycamore Stredacted-o8$162,700$11,668
40.602361449591-74.2948835082882013_61_16565 Sycamore Stredacted-o8$151,200$10,844
40.602362043653-74.2954501223472013_56_4484 Madison Averedacted-o8$132,200$9,481
40.602529432698-74.2954059696752013_56_3492 Madison Averedacted-o8$139,800$10,026
40.602568386052-74.2947402764912013_61_17511 Madison Averedacted-o8$151,000$10,829
40.602578263772-74.2942923487872013_61_20560 W Meadow Averedacted-o8$172,900$12,400
40.60260214074-74.294454007562013_61_19570 W Meadow Averedacted-o8$143,900$10,320
40.602696750774-74.295361608712013_56_2506 Madison Averedacted-o8$152,600$10,944
40.602714169695-74.2947022794732013_61_18580 W Meadow Averedacted-o8$136,900$9,818
40.602827594432-74.2953280429772013_56_1514 Madison Averedacted-o8$154,700$11,095

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