// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1822 Rutherford St owned by redacted-o9 in Rahway, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1822 Rutherford St, Rahway, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2013_368_24

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1822 Rutherford St, Rahway, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 368, Lot: 24
Assessment (2023): $85,300
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,479
Area: 2586.85 acres
Perimeter: 7.86 miles
Population 2020: 29556
Pop Density 2020: 7312/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Rahway whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.606272206118-74.2657521659262013_368_181755 Park Stredacted-o8$155,800$11,173
40.606371185324-74.2652116210052013_368_271802 Rutherford Stredacted-o8$89,200$6,397
40.606440345011-74.2657703731162013_368_191761 Park Stredacted-o8$175,000$12,551
40.606508757482-74.2652255911112013_368_261810 Rutherford Stredacted-o8$96,100$6,892
40.6065290176-74.2645527391912013_367_161819 Rutherford Stredacted-o8$100,600$7,215
40.606604631705-74.2658814958142013_368_201775 Park Stredacted-o8$123,400$8,600
40.606647421547-74.2645656827352013_367_171825 Rutherford Stredacted-o8$86,300$6,189
40.606652328209-74.2651494596712013_368_251816 Rutherford Stredacted-o8$113,200$8,118
40.606690157754-74.2656143810862013_368_22455 Washington Stredacted-o8$109,400$7,596
40.606701709945-74.2654320713922013_368_23463 Washington Stredacted-o8$109,400$7,846
40.60675780821-74.2645764298812013_367_181829 Rutherford Stredacted-o8$92,500$6,634
40.606787599342-74.2651639978082013_368_241822 Rutherford Stredacted-o8$85,300$6,117
40.606847812186-74.2645862136852013_367_191833 Rutherford Stredacted-o8$92,500$6,634
40.60713414132-74.2658358845782013_384_11440 Washington Stredacted-o8$104,000$7,458
40.607145589712-74.2656572362013_384_10446 Washington Stredacted-o8$117,400$8,419
40.607195009064-74.2646214597342013_384_4482 Washington Stredacted-o8$106,900$7,416
40.6071968521-74.2651156672342013_384_7468 Washington Stredacted-o8$149,700$10,736
40.607209804588-74.2653067041222013_384_8460 Washington Stredacted-o8$128,500$9,216
40.607220347399-74.264935530372013_384_6476 Washington Stredacted-o8$92,900$6,662
40.607233919183-74.2654884713532013_384_9452 Washington Stredacted-o8$145,400$10,428

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