// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 876 Rayhon Terr owned by redacted-o9 in Rahway, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 876 Rayhon Terr, Rahway, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2013_246_47

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 876 Rayhon Terr, Rahway, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 246, Lot: 47
Assessment (2023): $162,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,479
Area: 2586.85 acres
Perimeter: 7.86 miles
Population 2020: 29556
Pop Density 2020: 7312/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Rahway whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.622769267083-74.2786700013142013_246_50849 Apgar Terrredacted-o8$118,400$8,491
40.622810554487-74.2794860311342013_246_78886 Apgar Terrredacted-o8$147,800$10,600
40.622871319387-74.2787951791372013_246_51859 Apgar Terrredacted-o8$125,700$9,015
40.622977087418-74.2789284953662013_246_52871 Apgar Terrredacted-o8$125,600$9,008
40.622980084777-74.278461259242013_246_49850 Rayhon Terrredacted-o8$150,800$10,815
40.623095274022-74.2790633583712013_246_53883 Apgar Terrredacted-o8$134,900$9,675
40.62311594035-74.2786245915832013_246_48862 Rayhon Terrredacted-o8$155,600$11,159
40.623217847045-74.2792082160842013_246_54895 Apgar Terrredacted-o8$138,600$9,940
40.623245031015-74.2781268523442013_251_8851 Rayhon Terrredacted-o8$181,000$12,981
40.623248476145-74.2787889274182013_246_47876 Rayhon Terrredacted-o8$162,400$11,647
40.623338400987-74.2793548174782013_246_55907 Apgar Terrredacted-o8$134,000$9,839
40.623371898801-74.2782899294132013_251_9863 Rayhon Terrredacted-o8$161,300$11,568
40.623380332733-74.2789513263612013_246_46890 Rayhon Terrredacted-o8$177,700$12,744
40.623460497139-74.279499329082013_246_56919 Apgar Terrredacted-o8$131,500$9,431
40.623502062632-74.2784488877952013_251_10875 Rayhon Terrredacted-o8$135,900$9,746
40.623532467246-74.2791195066962013_246_45902 Rayhon Terrredacted-o8$171,700$12,314
40.623599933236-74.2782463895482013_251_112279 De Sisto Drredacted-o8$164,400$11,790
40.623669346286-74.2792659719622013_246_44916 Rayhon Terrredacted-o8$201,700$14,465
40.623705921885-74.2781075562312013_251_122289 De Sisto Drredacted-o8$181,900$13,045
40.623755346134-74.2787641630282013_250_5901 Rayhon Terrredacted-o8$135,000$9,682
40.623777189019-74.2793795576412013_246_43926 Rayhon Terrredacted-o8$153,200$10,987

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