// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 121 So Michigan Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Kenilworth Borough, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 121 So Michigan Ave, Kenilworth Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2008_135_13

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 121 So Michigan Ave, Kenilworth Borough, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 135, Lot: 13
Assessment (2023): $131,700
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 3,057
Area: 1376.32 acres
Perimeter: 9.37 miles
Population 2020: 8427
Pop Density 2020: 3919/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Kenilworth Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.673329838996-74.285135188912008_135_19666 Quinton Averedacted-o8$167,800$9,640
40.673399742422-74.2849337525912008_135_18672 Quinton Averedacted-o8$188,200$10,812
40.673427665742-74.2846306767712008_135_17135 So Michigan Averedacted-o8$170,300$9,783
40.673518068884-74.2854685236182008_135_10657 Passaic Averedacted-o8$155,300$11,231
40.673554579124-74.2847057984552008_135_16131 So Michigan Averedacted-o8$143,000$8,215
40.673574650076-74.2853034698942008_135_11661 Passaic Averedacted-o8$148,800$8,548
40.673631884565-74.285142056362008_135_12665 Passaic Averedacted-o8$141,200$8,111
40.673647124812-74.284808137632008_135_15127 So Michigan Averedacted-o8$130,200$7,479
40.673729801164-74.2848570339382008_135_14125 So Michigan Averedacted-o8$121,700$6,741
40.673812718323-74.2849051915942008_135_13121 So Michigan Averedacted-o8$131,700$7,566
40.673932641874-74.2855744525342008_134_18660 Passaic Averedacted-o8$154,700$8,887
40.673990090718-74.2854119114552008_134_17664 Passaic Averedacted-o8$145,800$8,376
40.674043691579-74.2852563749642008_134_16668 Passaic Averedacted-o8$144,100$8,278
40.674052263886-74.2849879944912008_134_15113 So Michigan Averedacted-o8$131,900$7,577
40.674155105659-74.285050935562008_134_14111 So Michigan Averedacted-o8$137,900$7,922
40.67419878115-74.2843207027182008_129_1.01114 So Michigan Averedacted-o8$229,600$13,190
40.674219375796-74.2856089608962008_134_9659 Newark Averedacted-o8$146,900$8,439
40.674252267023-74.2851099537752008_134_13107 So Michigan Averedacted-o8$122,000$7,008
40.674285106298-74.2854228730032008_134_10663 Newark Averedacted-o8$151,000$8,674
40.674322272294-74.2843986011922008_129_1.02110 So Michigan Averedacted-o8$230,100$13,219
40.674347506783-74.2851668182532008_134_12105 So Michigan Averedacted-o8$150,200$8,628

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