// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1497 Leslie St owned by redacted-o9 in Hillside Township, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1497 Leslie St, Hillside Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2007_308_9

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1497 Leslie St, Hillside Township, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 308, Lot: 9
Assessment (2023): $58,600
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 6,428
Area: 1780.27 acres
Perimeter: 7.71 miles
Population 2020: 22456
Pop Density 2020: 8073/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Hillside Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.704509684926-74.2281995227762007_313_81491 Hiawatha Averedacted-o8$283,700$22,732
40.704537002712-74.2288039784552007_308_14.021482 Hiawatha Averedacted-o8$196,500$15,745
40.704555276325-74.2291990006382007_308_41477 Leslie Stredacted-o8$189,900$15,216
40.704626175809-74.2280872888862007_313_91495 Hiawatha Averedacted-o8$104,100$8,341
40.704635503804-74.2287090190342007_308_14.031486 Hiawatha Averedacted-o8$153,500$12,299
40.704669685019-74.2290883078732007_308_51485 Leslie Stredacted-o8$171,700$13,758
40.704727285111-74.2286206447612007_308_131490 Hiawatha Averedacted-o8$133,100$10,665
40.704783565279-74.2289780779232007_308_61489 Leslie Stredacted-o8$183,900$14,735
40.704812190384-74.2285378250442007_308_121492 Hiawatha Averedacted-o8$115,400$9,247
40.704884037003-74.2288823909622007_308_71491 Leslie Stredacted-o8$145,600$11,666
40.704939452168-74.2284113730782007_308_111496 Hiawatha Averedacted-o8$146,400$11,731
40.704969781791-74.2287992344092007_308_81493 Leslie Stredacted-o8$86,800$6,955
40.704994943719-74.2293870458732007_302_61486 Leslie Stredacted-o8$82,700$6,626
40.705039543068-74.228732181532007_308_91497 Leslie Stredacted-o8$58,600$4,695
40.705109930012-74.2292759068352007_302_51490 Leslie Stredacted-o8$106,700$8,549
40.705116013288-74.22865081152007_308_101499 Leslie Stredacted-o8$144,300$11,312
40.705171012098-74.2281712724392007_309_351506 Hiawatha Averedacted-o8$85,300$6,835
40.705251706924-74.2280726747162007_309_34Hiawatha Averedacted-o8$16,200$1,298
40.705301095128-74.2284604824522007_309_11521 Leslie Stredacted-o8$116,100$9,303
40.705367536486-74.2290241953892007_304_11500 Leslie Stredacted-o8$127,700$10,232
40.705377784181-74.2283640503742007_309_21523 Leslie Stredacted-o8$97,200$7,788
40.705460912812-74.2282704263052007_309_31525 Leslie Stredacted-o8$95,200$7,628
40.705546395254-74.2281752187842007_309_41527 Leslie Stredacted-o8$98,400$7,884
40.705556238181-74.2293798452412007_304_21600 Schley Stredacted-o8$255,400

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