// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 110 James St owned by redacted-o9 in Hillside Township, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 110 James St, Hillside Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2007_1411_59

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 110 James St, Hillside Township, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 1411, Lot: 59
Assessment (2023): $122,800
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 6,428
Area: 1780.27 acres
Perimeter: 7.71 miles
Population 2020: 22456
Pop Density 2020: 8073/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Hillside Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.691324258694-74.218908858682007_1411_651204 Salem Averedacted-o8$177,600$14,231
40.691417217646-74.219761752112007_1411_541208 Howard Stredacted-o8$109,500$8,774
40.691430109051-74.2192168266792007_1411_551209 Howard Stredacted-o8$190,600$15,272
40.691431025407-74.2188480596152007_1411_641208 Salem Averedacted-o8$108,300$8,678
40.691505373521-74.2197600670832007_1411_531210 Howard Stredacted-o8$87,600$7,019
40.691523046853-74.2188483762932007_1411_631210 Salem Averedacted-o8$117,400$9,407
40.691526072923-74.219214428542007_1411_561211 Howard Stredacted-o8$94,400$7,564
40.691589047614-74.2197594516462007_1411_521212 Howard Stredacted-o8$87,500$7,011
40.691621741782-74.2192147889672007_1411_571213 Howard Stredacted-o8$99,100$7,940
40.691634544495-74.2188498442472007_1411_621214 Salem Averedacted-o8$133,300$10,681
40.691678024753-74.2197616934172007_1411_51.021216 Howard Stredacted-o8$107,500$8,613
40.69176457286-74.2188523527292007_1411_611218 Salem Averedacted-o8$128,600$10,304
40.691773766216-74.2197619267122007_1411_51.011218 Howard Stredacted-o8$169,900$13,614
40.691806936211-74.219304273482007_1411_58114 James Stredacted-o8$125,500$10,056
40.691815306229-74.2191261354062007_1411_59110 James Stredacted-o8$122,800$9,839
40.691864207714-74.2197521023652007_1411_50122 James Stredacted-o8$106,000$8,493
40.69190654435-74.2188490871112007_1411_601220 Salem Averedacted-o8$129,700$10,392
40.692184930339-74.2197484649452007_1411_46123 James Stredacted-o8$101,000$8,093
40.692194161334-74.2196235913882007_1411_45121 James Stredacted-o8$140,300$11,242
40.6921945006-74.2188618000452007_1411_401224 Salem Averedacted-o8$152,900$12,251
40.692205214951-74.2195008135542007_1411_44117 James Stredacted-o8$100,400$8,045
40.692216151059-74.2193737246312007_1411_43115 James Stredacted-o8$110,200$8,830
40.692226421372-74.2192451848022007_1411_42111 James Stredacted-o8$97,600$7,820
40.692242877393-74.2191123285412007_1411_41109 James Stredacted-o8$109,200$8,750
40.692333588758-74.2188511115762007_1411_391228 Salem Averedacted-o8$122,100$9,783

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