// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1297 Baker St owned by redacted-o9 in Hillside Township, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1297 Baker St, Hillside Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2007_1207_3

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1297 Baker St, Hillside Township, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 1207, Lot: 3
Assessment (2023): $164,300
Effective Flood Zone: A
Preliminary Flood Zone: A

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 6,428
Area: 1780.27 acres
Perimeter: 7.71 miles
Population 2020: 22456
Pop Density 2020: 8073/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Hillside Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.693985375593-74.2269053604582007_1206_31283 Baker Stredacted-o8$131,300$10,521
40.694076379054-74.2268498570252007_1206_41285 Baker Stredacted-o8$86,900$6,963
40.694139128201-74.226174504362007_1207_6_BLDG1294 Central Averedacted-o8$31,800$2,548
40.694141346531-74.2267363802212007_1206_51289 Baker Stredacted-o8$105,000$8,413
40.694273400129-74.226549218082007_1207_11291 Baker Stredacted-o8$168,600$13,509
40.694338788119-74.2260342211082007_1207_61300 Central Averedacted-o8$145,000$11,618
40.694345476216-74.227151329762007_1203_71288 Baker Stredacted-o8$90,400$7,243
40.694350086823-74.226432388562007_1207_21295 Baker Stredacted-o8$93,400$7,484
40.694442805444-74.2270573210832007_1203_81290 Baker Stredacted-o8$134,300$10,761
40.694442815439-74.226218197922007_1207_5First Stredacted-o8$20,000$1,602
40.694488779369-74.2264314088362007_1207_31297 Baker Stredacted-o8$164,300$13,165
40.694563535453-74.2269453264292007_1203_91292 Baker Stredacted-o8$138,000$11,057
40.694579448389-74.2263426848222007_1207_41299 Baker Stredacted-o8$160,600$12,868
40.69463529921-74.2258263438892007_1208_71310 Central Averedacted-o8$227,300$18,213
40.694673034415-74.2268432614172007_1203_9.011296 Baker Stredacted-o8$200,000$16,026
40.694785251929-74.2267379611362007_1203_101300 Baker Stredacted-o8$145,900$11,690
40.694785444235-74.2261553589132007_1208_11309 Baker Stredacted-o8$159,600$12,788
40.694812074302-74.227095773852007_1203_271295 State Stredacted-o8$114,800$9,198
40.694905050765-74.2270076264062007_1203_261301 State Stredacted-o8$128,800
40.694906791699-74.2260438670872007_1208_21313-15 Baker Stredacted-o8$158,300$12,684
40.694910891605-74.2266189686382007_1203_111304 Baker Stredacted-o8$90,700$7,267
40.694991042276-74.2258236246332007_1208_4122 Long Averedacted-o8$145,300$11,642
40.694999945586-74.226920070932007_1203_251305 State Stredacted-o8$114,800$9,198
40.695005522781-74.2265317172072007_1203_121310 Baker Stredacted-o8$125,600$10,064

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