// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1519 Munn Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Hillside Township, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1519 Munn Ave, Hillside Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2007_1007_70

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1519 Munn Ave, Hillside Township, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 1007, Lot: 70
Assessment (2023): $107,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 6,428
Area: 1780.27 acres
Perimeter: 7.71 miles
Population 2020: 22456
Pop Density 2020: 8073/sq-mi

18 neighbors in Hillside Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.700106731874-74.2183481117792007_1007_6363 Clark Stredacted-o8$127,700$10,232
40.700142994071-74.2180917415682007_1007_6259 Clark Stredacted-o8$132,600$10,625
40.700153117374-74.218900875692007_1007_651501 Munn Averedacted-o8$109,700$8,790
40.700190251112-74.2184895509422007_1007_6467 Clark Stredacted-o8$157,900$12,652
40.700235456823-74.2188179097632007_1007_661505 Munn Averedacted-o8$135,100$10,825
40.70031781695-74.2187342748692007_1007_671509 Munn Averedacted-o8$110,300$8,838
40.700362590168-74.2177638450472007_1007_72Clark St Northredacted-o8$2,200$176
40.700397793916-74.2186528792162007_1007_681511 Munn Averedacted-o8$102,500$8,213
40.700489531424-74.2185579267662007_1007_691515 Munn Averedacted-o8$115,600$9,263
40.700553762564-74.218368296852007_1007_701519 Munn Averedacted-o8$107,000$8,573
40.700608695065-74.2181201506312007_1007_711523 Munn Averedacted-o8$123,300$9,880
40.700751833313-74.2181038090622007_1007_731527 Munn Averedacted-o8$110,900$8,886
40.70081727642-74.2179236928032007_1007_741531 Munn Averedacted-o8$124,900$10,008
40.700826751714-74.219041062042007_1004_291516 Munn Averedacted-o8$109,000$8,734
40.700932121695-74.2189223104972007_1004_281520 Munn Averedacted-o8$109,100$8,742
40.700979473565-74.2176924953082007_1007_761539 Munn Averedacted-o8$115,400$9,247
40.701034528953-74.21800771262007_1007_751533 Munn Averedacted-o8$99,200$7,948
40.701040554522-74.2188089121182007_1004_271524 Munn Averedacted-o8$115,300$9,367

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