// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 358 Hazel Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Garwood Borough, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 358 Hazel Ave, Garwood Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2006_606_27

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 358 Hazel Ave, Garwood Borough, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 606, Lot: 27
Assessment (2023): $395,400
Effective Flood Zone: X
Preliminary Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 1,550
Area: 415.772 acres
Perimeter: 3.77 miles
Population 2020: 4454
Pop Density 2020: 6856/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Garwood Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.645974424451-74.3231947061872006_609_27809 Center Stredacted-o8$349,300$9,445
40.646098828462-74.3228949914552006_609_2351 Hazel Averedacted-o8$370,600$10,021
40.646109417275-74.3232269210242006_609_1803 Center Stredacted-o8$608,900$16,464
40.64611812071-74.3227531941342006_609_3347 Hazel Averedacted-o8$378,900$10,245
40.646137412715-74.3226113966262006_609_4345 Hazel Averedacted-o8$362,700$9,807
40.646156704766-74.3224695993992006_609_5341 Hazel Averedacted-o8$406,200$10,983
40.646477750547-74.3233880221822006_606_28715 Center Stredacted-o8$394,300$10,661
40.646511512831-74.3231398754782006_606_27358 Hazel Averedacted-o8$395,400$10,691
40.646530805454-74.3229980775872006_606_26352 Hazel Averedacted-o8$384,300$10,391
40.646550097961-74.322856279622006_606_25350 Hazel Averedacted-o8$421,800$11,405
40.64656939007-74.3227144815532006_606_24344 Hazel Averedacted-o8$355,200$9,604
40.646588682277-74.3225726828382006_606_23340 Hazel Averedacted-o8$328,200$8,624
40.646607974202-74.3224308840322006_606_22336 Hazel Averedacted-o8$426,200$11,274
40.646747735898-74.3234524532952006_606_1705 Center Stredacted-o8$439,200$11,875
40.646781498767-74.3232043057992006_606_2357 Pine Averedacted-o8$431,800$11,675
40.646800791286-74.3230625070092006_606_3355 Pine Averedacted-o8$331,000$8,950
40.646819721977-74.3229233668962006_606_4353 Pine Averedacted-o8$327,300$8,850
40.646838290587-74.3227868852442006_606_5351 Pine Averedacted-o8$449,900$12,165
40.646857944771-74.3226424277572006_606_6347 Pine Averedacted-o8$389,200$10,523
40.64688519453-74.3224421363362006_606_7337 Pine Averedacted-o8$390,500$10,559

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