// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. Ikea Drive owned by redacted-o9 in Elizabeth, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, Ikea Drive, Elizabeth, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2004_837_34

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: Ikea Drive, Elizabeth, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 837, Lot: 34
Assessment (): $0.00
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 19,401
Area: 8904.04 acres
Perimeter: 17.80 miles
Population 2020: 137298
Pop Density 2020: 9869/sq-mi

65 neighbors on block 837 in Elizabeth

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
2004_837_1581-683 Kapkowski Rdredacted-o8$390,133
2004_837_1_X581-683 Kapkowski Rdredacted-o8
2004_837_2.01Rear 575-667 Kapkowski Rdredacted-o8
2004_837_4Rear 583 Kapkowski Rdredacted-o8
2004_837_5Rear 573 Kapkowski Rdredacted-o8
2004_837_6Rear 587 Kapkowski Rdredacted-o8
2004_837_11Rear 2-90 North Ave Eastredacted-o8$101,111
2004_837_11_XRear 2-90 North Ave Eastredacted-o8
2004_837_122-90 North Ave Eastredacted-o8$286,947
2004_837_12_X2-90 North Ave Eastredacted-o8
2004_837_13685 Kapkowski Rdredacted-o8
2004_837_14104-142 North Ave Eredacted-o8$161,251
2004_837_16144 North Ave Eredacted-o8
2004_837_1792-104 North Ave Eredacted-o8$9,389
2004_837_18801-881 Mclester St(rear)redacted-o8
2004_837_18.01883-973 Mclester Stredacted-o8
2004_837_192-50 North Ave Eredacted-o8
2004_837_20801-809 Mclester Stredacted-o8
2004_837_21849-881 Mclester Stredacted-o8
2004_837_22811-847 Mclester Stredacted-o8$6,648
2004_837_23810-872 Mclester Stredacted-o8$4,566
2004_837_2411-45 North Ave Eastredacted-o8
2004_837_24.012-48 North Ave Eastredacted-o8
2004_837_251-71 North Ave Eredacted-o8$122,100
2004_837_25.0269 North Ave Eastredacted-o8
2004_837_26101-141 North Ave Eredacted-o8$91,013
2004_837_27Ikea Driveredacted-o8$36,159
2004_837_28205-231 North Ave Eredacted-o8$29,761
2004_837_29233-245 North Ave Eredacted-o8$19,719
2004_837_30247-269 North Ave Eredacted-o8$30,958
2004_837_31301-331 North Ave Eredacted-o8$23,681
2004_837_33Ikea Driveredacted-o8$68,534
2004_837_34Ikea Driveredacted-o8$31,666
2004_837_34_XIkea Driveredacted-o8
2004_837_35Ikea Driveredacted-o8$741,653
2004_837_35_XIkea Driveredacted-o8
2004_837_36Ikea Driveredacted-o8$8,125
2004_837_37840-1176 Proposed Stredacted-o8
2004_837_37.011200 Corbin Stredacted-o8
2004_837_38Ikea Driveredacted-o8$63,589
2004_837_38_XIkea Driveredacted-o8
2004_837_39Ikea Driveredacted-o8$30,756
2004_837_40Ikea Dr (afi)redacted-o8
2004_837_41879-1177 Proposed Stredacted-o8
2004_837_42876 Mclester Stredacted-o8
2004_837_43874 Mclester Stredacted-o8
2004_837_44Bounded By Newark Bayredacted-o8
2004_837_44.01Rear Mclester Stredacted-o8
2004_837_44.02Rear Mclester Stredacted-o8
2004_837_44.03Rear Mclester Stredacted-o8
2004_837_44.04Rear Mclester Stredacted-o8
2004_837_44.05Rear Mclester Stredacted-o8
2004_837_44.06Rear Mclester Stredacted-o8
2004_837_44.07Rear Mclester Stredacted-o8
2004_837_44.08Rear Mclester Stredacted-o8
2004_837_45984-1176 Mclester Stredacted-o8
2004_837_461-3 Bay Averedacted-o8
2004_837_475-61 Bay Averedacted-o8$44,169
2004_837_47_X5-61 Bay Averedacted-o8
2004_837_4863-265 Bay Averedacted-o8$285,103
2004_837_491201 Corbin Stredacted-o8$39,078
2004_837_49_T021201 Corbin Stredacted-o8$2,411
2004_837_49_T041201 Corbin Stredacted-o8$4,639
2004_837_49_T051201 Corbin Stredacted-o8$4,224
2004_837_50148-152 Bay Averedacted-o8

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