// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 125-Pt 127 Inslee Pl owned by redacted-o9 in Elizabeth, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 125-Pt 127 Inslee Pl, Elizabeth, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2004_819_28

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 125-Pt 127 Inslee Pl, Elizabeth, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 819, Lot: 28
Assessment (): $0.00
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 19,401
Area: 8904.04 acres
Perimeter: 17.80 miles
Population 2020: 137298
Pop Density 2020: 9869/sq-mi

50 neighbors on block 819 in Elizabeth

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
2004_819_1313-315 Second Stredacted-o8$3,260
2004_819_2152-154 Ripley Plredacted-o8$3,394
2004_819_3148-150 Ripley Plredacted-o8$1,587
2004_819_4.01146 Ripley Plredacted-o8$1,324
2004_819_4.02144 Ripley Plredacted-o8$1,324
2004_819_5142 Ripley Plredacted-o8$1,648
2004_819_5_X142 Ripley Plredacted-o8
2004_819_6140 Ripley Plredacted-o8$1,257
2004_819_7138 1/2 Ripley Plredacted-o8$1,434
2004_819_8138 Ripley Plredacted-o8$2,014
2004_819_9136 Ripley Plredacted-o8$1,819
2004_819_10134 Ripley Plredacted-o8$1,764
2004_819_11132 1/2 Ripley Plredacted-o8$1,703
2004_819_12130-132 Ripley Plredacted-o8$1,428
2004_819_13.01128 Ripley Plredacted-o8$2,179
2004_819_13.02126 Ripley Plredacted-o8$2,179
2004_819_13.03124 Ripley Plredacted-o8$2,179
2004_819_13.04122 Ripley Plredacted-o8$2,185
2004_819_14Pt 118-120 Ripley Plredacted-o8$2,008
2004_819_15Pt 114-118 Ripley Plredacted-o8$1,984
2004_819_16110-114 Ripley Plredacted-o8$457
2004_819_17108 Ripley Plredacted-o8$1,794
2004_819_18314 First Stredacted-o8$1,172
2004_819_19308-312 First Stredacted-o8$1,697
2004_819_20.01306 First Stredacted-o8$2,380
2004_819_20.02302-304 First Stredacted-o8$2,820
2004_819_21.01300 First Stredacted-o8$4,004
2004_819_22109 Inslee Plredacted-o8$1,776
2004_819_23111 Inslee Plredacted-o8$1,776
2004_819_24113-115 Inslee Plredacted-o8$2,387
2004_819_25117 Inslee Plredacted-o8$1,709
2004_819_26119 Inslee Plredacted-o8$1,880
2004_819_27121-123 Inslee Plredacted-o8$2,631
2004_819_28125-Pt 127 Inslee Plredacted-o8$1,794
2004_819_29Pt 127-131 Inslee Plredacted-o8$2,637
2004_819_30133 Inslee Plredacted-o8$1,782
2004_819_31135-137 Inslee Plredacted-o8$500
2004_819_32139 Inslee Plredacted-o8$2,960
2004_819_33141 Inslee Plredacted-o8$1,636
2004_819_34143 Inslee Plredacted-o8$1,434
2004_819_35145 Inslee Plredacted-o8$1,379
2004_819_36147 Inslee Plredacted-o8$1,532
2004_819_37149 Inslee Plredacted-o8$1,495
2004_819_38151 Inslee Plredacted-o8$1,465
2004_819_39153 Inslee Plredacted-o8$1,459
2004_819_40155 Inslee Plredacted-o8$1,752
2004_819_41301-303 Second Stredacted-o8$1,929
2004_819_42305-307 Second Stredacted-o8$1,959
2004_819_43.01309 Second Stredacted-o8$2,735
2004_819_43.02311 Second Stredacted-o8$2,722

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