// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 303 Manor Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Cranford Township, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 303 Manor Ave, Cranford Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2003_233_43

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 303 Manor Ave, Cranford Township, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 233, Lot: 43
Assessment (2023): $192,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,285
Area: 3117.18 acres
Perimeter: 11.16 miles
Population 2020: 23847
Pop Density 2020: 4896/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Cranford Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.665005555435-74.302636120772003_233_34 Craig Plredacted-o8$175,100$11,673
40.665080613324-74.3027488647342003_233_48 Craig Plredacted-o8$177,500$11,833
40.665127642501-74.3020670526692003_235_3501 Orange Averedacted-o8$161,900$10,793
40.665151017595-74.3018957973192003_235_2503 Orange Averedacted-o8$169,400$11,293
40.665156566556-74.3028629523422003_233_512 Craig Plredacted-o8$189,400$12,627
40.665185228793-74.3024729723442003_233_45299 Manor Averedacted-o8$201,100$13,407
40.665271969013-74.3030362980042003_233_616 Craig Plredacted-o8$197,000$13,133
40.665339585018-74.3025739450322003_233_44301 Manor Averedacted-o8$199,700$13,314
40.665372546101-74.3020365575182003_235_4302 Manor Averedacted-o8$208,000$13,867
40.665393248752-74.3032187853432003_233_720 Craig Plredacted-o8$211,700$14,114
40.665473140373-74.3026024547762003_233_43303 Manor Averedacted-o8$192,000$12,550
40.665508601326-74.3028530103212003_233_411 Oak Lnredacted-o8$146,000$9,733
40.665508746938-74.3020588458182003_235_5304 Manor Averedacted-o8$183,900$12,260
40.665562537818-74.303009884942003_233_403 Oak Lnredacted-o8$161,700$10,780
40.665609340978-74.3026247449512003_233_42305 Manor Averedacted-o8$157,500$10,853
40.665644947609-74.3020811339822003_235_6306 Manor Averedacted-o8$162,500$10,833
40.665781148341-74.3021034222962003_235_7308 Manor Averedacted-o8$213,800$14,254
40.665882119907-74.3026656165242003_234_24307 Manor Averedacted-o8$150,900$10,060
40.665901729118-74.3031156774812003_234_24 Oak Lnredacted-o8$190,500$12,700
40.665917348997-74.3021257106392003_235_8310 Manor Averedacted-o8$170,800$11,387
40.66591829195-74.3029404521732003_234_12 Oak Lnredacted-o8$245,700$16,380
40.666011462277-74.3026876297782003_234_23309 Manor Averedacted-o8$160,900$10,727

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