// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 31 Kathryn St owned by redacted-o9 in Clark Township, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 31 Kathryn St, Clark Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2002_85_15

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 31 Kathryn St, Clark Township, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 85, Lot: 15
Assessment (2023): $372,100
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,358
Area: 2850.36 acres
Perimeter: 13.04 miles
Population 2020: 15544
Pop Density 2020: 3490/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Clark Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.616459817767-74.3003704707892002_88_81107 Ivy Stredacted-o8$381,200$8,313
40.616473727646-74.3015236243762002_85_1041 Kathryn Stredacted-o8$349,600$7,624
40.616510487891-74.3010164715442002_85_19100 Ivy Stredacted-o8$334,300$7,291
40.616565623549-74.3002557408532002_88_8059 Gertrude Stredacted-o8$370,400$7,828
40.616579534368-74.3014088960872002_85_1139 Kathryn Stredacted-o8$403,100$8,541
40.616616294172-74.3009017423682002_85_18104 Ivy Stredacted-o8$378,900$8,263
40.616685341106-74.3012941673382002_85_1237 Kathryn Stredacted-o8$354,500$7,731
40.616731289697-74.300660223692002_85_1769 Gertrude Stredacted-o8$411,100$8,966
40.616791147874-74.3011794385962002_85_1335 Kathryn Stredacted-o8$408,200$8,902
40.616818717022-74.3007990717672002_85_1671 Gertrude Stredacted-o8$621,000$13,544
40.61689695464-74.3010647095582002_85_1433 Kathryn Stredacted-o8$376,500$8,211
40.617002760991-74.3009499798982002_85_1531 Kathryn Stredacted-o8$372,100$8,115
40.617097140903-74.3016654111012002_84_2340 Kathryn Stredacted-o8$431,500$9,411
40.61710161885-74.3002586842462002_88.01_5870 Gertrude Stredacted-o8$541,400$11,557
40.617189036986-74.3003975168942002_88.01_5772 Gertrude Stredacted-o8$544,600$11,877
40.617202947566-74.3015506817152002_84_2438 Kathryn Stredacted-o8$451,700$9,851
40.617214373189-74.3007205197522002_88.01_5629 Kathryn Stredacted-o8$397,900$8,678
40.617308754452-74.3014359525382002_84_2536 Kathryn Stredacted-o8$465,000$10,141
40.617346630514-74.3005771061922002_88.01_5427 Kathryn Stredacted-o8$441,600$9,631
40.617452436316-74.300462375642002_88.01_5323 Kathryn Stredacted-o8$6,000$130
40.617531789356-74.3003763271152002_88.01_5223 Kathryn Stredacted-o8$474,800$10,355
40.617546819549-74.3011778104192002_81_7634 Kathryn Stredacted-o8$471,400$10,281

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