// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 54 Nassau St owned by redacted-o9 in Clark Township, Union County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 54 Nassau St, Clark Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 2002_121_13

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 54 Nassau St, Clark Township, New Jersey
County: Union
Block: 121, Lot: 13
Assessment (2023): $501,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,358
Area: 2850.36 acres
Perimeter: 13.04 miles
Population 2020: 15544
Pop Density 2020: 3490/sq-mi

18 neighbors in Clark Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.621731592961-74.2976337259522002_118_6449 Nassau Stredacted-o8$842,700$18,379
40.621795381066-74.2971047470052002_118_1368 Fulton Stredacted-o8$542,700$11,836
40.62179650684-74.2982581350812002_121_842 Nassau Stredacted-o8$477,200$10,407
40.621902899309-74.2974533962182002_118_6253 Nassau Stredacted-o8$463,000$10,098
40.621924987313-74.2981228888252002_121_1046 Nassau Stredacted-o8$547,800$11,947
40.621995029223-74.2985109870932002_121_3546 John Stredacted-o8$493,200$10,756
40.622053468107-74.2979876421152002_121_1150 Nassau Stredacted-o8$441,200$9,622
40.622074205808-74.2972730655132002_118_6061 Nassau Stredacted-o8$533,100$11,626
40.62213421708-74.2983644701572002_121_3450 John Stredacted-o8$511,000$11,144
40.622216863982-74.2977970604432002_121_1354 Nassau Stredacted-o8$501,700$10,942
40.622300983821-74.2981687152932002_121_3354 John Stredacted-o8$545,100$11,888
40.622459370432-74.2977858339392002_121_1570 Nassau Stredacted-o8$576,300$12,569
40.622488745587-74.2981501874392002_121_3258 John Stredacted-o8$446,900$9,746
40.622495024369-74.2972474698222002_118_3169 Nassau Stredacted-o8$440,900$9,616
40.62262553521-74.2981649816522002_121_3162 John Stredacted-o8$417,200$9,099
40.622682277179-74.297809633852002_121_1676 Nassau Stredacted-o8$544,700$11,879
40.622716092183-74.2972710642482002_118_3075 Nassau Stredacted-o8$529,900$11,557
40.622762324838-74.2981797757782002_121_3066 John Stredacted-o8$416,800$8,840

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