// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1689 Rt 565 owned by redacted-o9 in Vernon Township, Sussex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1689 Rt 565, Vernon Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1922_293_3

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1689 Rt 565, Vernon Township, New Jersey
County: Sussex
Block: 293, Lot: 3
Assessment (2023): $431,200
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 14,038
Area: 44733 acres
Perimeter: 36.09 miles
Population 2020: 22358
Pop Density 2020: 320/sq-mi

25 neighbors on block 293 in Vernon Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
41.227319613172-74.5242379283631922_293_11695 Rt 565redacted-o8$273,900$7,102
41.226816432694-74.5243370673271922_293_21693 Rt 565redacted-o8$420,100$10,893
1922_293_31689 Rt 565redacted-o8$431,200$11,181
41.226684437975-74.5257598162161922_293_3_QFARM1689 Rt 565redacted-o8$2,800$72
1922_293_41687 Rt 565redacted-o8$541,700$14,046
41.225288404263-74.5260838943611922_293_4_QFARMRt 565redacted-o8$800$20
41.224462173579-74.5254803914511922_293_5_QFARM1685 Rt 565redacted-o8$200$5
41.224730712593-74.5298910760581922_293_612 Silver Fox Lnredacted-o8$319,700$8,289
41.225108132746-74.5295790870861922_293_714 Silver Fox Lnredacted-o8$332,400$8,619
41.225343356973-74.5286298896221922_293_816 Silver Fox Lnredacted-o8$337,500$8,751
41.225772937983-74.5285538295091922_293_918 Silver Fox Lnredacted-o8$401,000$10,397
41.226176820201-74.5284415974671922_293_1020 Silver Fox Lnredacted-o8$371,500$9,633
41.22657718762-74.5283209605851922_293_1122 Silver Fox Lnredacted-o8$441,000$11,435
41.228110873056-74.5283370061171922_293_1224 Silver Fox Lnredacted-o8$460,600$11,943
41.227245545418-74.5297085492141922_293_1323 Silver Fox Lnredacted-o8$315,100$8,170
41.226662627277-74.5298671654121922_293_1421 Silver Fox Lnredacted-o8$426,700$11,064
41.226171382455-74.5300519343111922_293_1519 Silver Fox Lnredacted-o8$360,700$9,352
41.225666098917-74.5302080119011922_293_1617 Silver Fox Lnredacted-o8$356,400$9,241
41.225137509568-74.5306127060151922_293_1715 Silver Fox Lnredacted-o8$298,100$7,729
41.225320575488-74.531288363551922_293_1816 Babtown Rdredacted-o8$44,300$1,148
41.226110196169-74.5317064731191922_293_1918 Babtown Rdredacted-o8$43,600$1,130
41.226586040349-74.5311341960531922_293_202 Woodland Hills Drredacted-o8$449,100$11,645
41.227138816041-74.5308826279221922_293_214 Woodland Hills Drredacted-o8$410,400$10,641
41.227713243851-74.5306836104841922_293_226 Woodland Hills Drredacted-o8$474,000$12,290
41.228309096666-74.5305570803181922_293_238 Woodland Hills Drredacted-o8$43,300$1,122

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