// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. Warwick Tpke owned by redacted-o9 in Vernon Township, Sussex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, Warwick Tpke, Vernon Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1922_145_20_BLDG

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: Warwick Tpke, Vernon Township, New Jersey
County: Sussex
Block: 145, Lot: 20, QCode: BLDG
Assessment (2023): $95,400
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 14,038
Area: 44733 acres
Perimeter: 36.09 miles
Population 2020: 22358
Pop Density 2020: 320/sq-mi

19 neighbors on block 145 in Vernon Township

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
1922_145_163 Lebanon Rdredacted-o8$551,500$14,300
41.190976464188-74.3849705726921922_145_1_QFARMWarwick Tpkeredacted-o8$1,000$25
41.189557471677-74.3859507010761922_145_6W Milford Lineredacted-o8$54,900$1,423
41.189432831031-74.3866501014991922_145_725 Alps Rdredacted-o8$344,500$8,932
41.187954781365-74.3873401196211922_145_1018 Cudney Rdredacted-o8$355,400$9,215
41.189302849349-74.3874163510911922_145_1113 Hillcrest Rdredacted-o8$305,500$7,921
41.187775332562-74.3882141557691922_145_1220 Cudney Rdredacted-o8$312,800$8,110
41.187074671939-74.3886457177551922_145_1517 Hillcrest Rdredacted-o8$284,200$7,369
41.187196847688-74.3890324794031922_145_16West Milford Lineredacted-o8$8,800$228
41.186940978182-74.3896210163661922_145_17West Milford Lineredacted-o8$236,700$6,137
41.186920548729-74.3900340544731922_145_18Warwick Tpke & W Milfordredacted-o8$32,900$853
41.187336591504-74.3897972283761922_145_19850 Warwick Tpkeredacted-o8$259,800$6,736
41.187834099018-74.3895644002581922_145_20852 Warwick Tpkeredacted-o8$270,500$7,014
1922_145_20_BLDGWarwick Tpkeredacted-o8$95,400$2,473
41.18860213223-74.3892316599591922_145_21856 Warwick Tpkeredacted-o8$968,700$25,118
41.189263764679-74.3892198910221922_145_22858 Warwick Tpkeredacted-o8$775,800$20,116
41.189911423641-74.3892709765481922_145_23860 Warwick Tpkeredacted-o8$1,114,800$28,906
41.190652861444-74.3892640554431922_145_24862 Warwick Tpkeredacted-o8$662,800$17,186
41.192180372842-74.3867203212111922_145_25Warwick Tpkeredacted-o8$75,900$1,968

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