// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 15 Caribou Tr owned by redacted-o9 in Hopatcong Borough, Sussex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 15 Caribou Tr, Hopatcong Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1912_50201_5.02_QFARM

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 15 Caribou Tr, Hopatcong Borough, New Jersey
County: Sussex
Block: 50201, Lot: 5.02, QCode: QFARM
Assessment (2023): $900
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 7,902
Area: 7948.48 acres
Perimeter: 17.89 miles
Population 2020: 14362
Pop Density 2020: 1156/sq-mi

16 neighbors on block 50201 in Hopatcong Borough

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.960143781839-74.6598140721431912_50201_1246 Squaw Trredacted-o8$13,800$482
40.960282764717-74.6599295634761912_50201_22 Brave Trredacted-o8$168,600$5,649
40.960493260654-74.6600926701671912_50201_34 Brave Trredacted-o8$200,100$7,001
40.960369489022-74.6602351915831912_50201_415 Papoose Trredacted-o8$177,700$6,217
40.959743414106-74.6609391644911912_50201_59 Papoose Trredacted-o8$383,200$13,408
40.958921835084-74.6603087539581912_50201_5.01244 Squaw Trredacted-o8$409,200$14,317
40.957903526773-74.6619503690751912_50201_5.0215 Caribou Trredacted-o8$332,500$11,634
1912_50201_5.02_QFARM15 Caribou Trredacted-o8$900$31
40.959940546585-74.6618984223091912_50201_61 Papoose Trredacted-o8$182,400$6,382
40.959642475677-74.6619326959721912_50201_719 Caribou Trredacted-o8$120,500$4,216
40.956584962809-74.6625789187641912_50201_8409 Maxim Drredacted-o8$13,900
40.95650530683-74.6624105099621912_50201_9407 Maxim Drredacted-o8$11,900$416
40.956380287619-74.6621847261161912_50201_10405 Maxim Drredacted-o8$169,900$5,944
40.95620234622-74.6619958214731912_50201_11403 Maxim Drredacted-o8$170,000$5,948
40.956083624788-74.6618639783891912_50201_12200 Squaw Trredacted-o8$106,700$3,733
40.956574046665-74.661728179961912_50201_14206 Squaw Trredacted-o8$121,100$4,237

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