// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 364 Mohegan Ci owned by redacted-o9 in Andover Township, Sussex County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 364 Mohegan Ci, Andover Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1902_116_21_C0364

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 364 Mohegan Ci, Andover Township, New Jersey
County: Sussex
Block: 116, Lot: 21, QCode: C0364
Assessment (2023): $114,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,628
Area: 13303.9 acres
Perimeter: 24.20 miles
Population 2020: 5996
Pop Density 2020: 288/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Andover Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
41.04779082132-74.7043317722631902_116_21_C0351351 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$73,700$2,992
41.047791518582-74.704393598031902_116_21_C0350350 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$73,100$2,968
41.047836013002-74.7043555405161902_116_21Mcpeek Rdredacted-o8
41.047858062831-74.7043642605441902_116_21_C0352352 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$109,300$4,438
41.047914165899-74.7043339192831902_116_21_C0353353 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$108,200$4,394
41.047940342546-74.7042509157261902_116_21_C0355355 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$69,300$2,814
41.047976850804-74.7042933762961902_116_21_C0354354 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$71,100$2,887
41.048126737637-74.7039277382011902_116_21_C0360360 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$70,700$2,871
41.048163253732-74.7038868712841902_116_21_C0361361 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$73,700$2,992
41.048216086859-74.7039625615191902_116_21_C0362362 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$110,700$4,495
41.048275348911-74.7039759970321902_116_21_C0363363 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$108,200$4,394
41.048329141518-74.7039881848181902_116_21_C0364364 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$114,400$4,645
41.048382029144-74.704000167681902_116_21_C0365365 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$112,200$4,556
41.048406792027-74.704575945651902_116_21_C0377377 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$69,300$2,814
41.04840965688-74.7046354371271902_116_21_C0376376 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$70,800$2,875
41.048436899926-74.7039488855541902_116_21_C0367367 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$71,900$2,919
41.048447230066-74.7045242085251902_116_21_C0375375 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$109,300$4,438
41.048449731838-74.7040009377031902_116_21_C0366366 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$71,900$2,919
41.04848870689-74.7044829114571902_116_21_C0374374 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$112,200$4,556
41.048531017502-74.704440785531902_116_21_C0373373 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$112,200$4,556
41.04857332514-74.7043986540271902_116_21_C0372372 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$108,400$4,402
41.048619737845-74.7043639234151902_116_21_C0371371 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$73,500$2,984
41.048667968497-74.7043782368661902_116_21_C0370370 Mohegan Ciredacted-o8$69,300$2,814

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