// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1130 Route 202 owned by redacted-o9 in Raritan Borough, Somerset County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1130 Route 202, Raritan Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1816_2_23_C00B5

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1130 Route 202, Raritan Borough, New Jersey
County: Somerset
Block: 2, Lot: 23, QCode: C00B5
Assessment (2023): $237,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,243
Area: 1297.84 acres
Perimeter: 6.97 miles
Population 2020: 7835
Pop Density 2020: 3864/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Raritan Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.575033372811-74.6572709587961816_2_23_C01E11130 Route 202redacted-o8$197,600$5,625
40.575033386842-74.6577820029881816_2_23_C00D51130 Route 202redacted-o8$237,000$6,747
40.57503569154-74.6579757401711816_2_23_C00D11130 Route 202redacted-o8$237,000$6,747
40.575041767999-74.6571505762191816_2_23_C01E31130 Route 202redacted-o8$197,600$5,625
40.575045965396-74.6570903851151816_2_23_C01E51130 Route 202redacted-o8$158,800$4,521
40.575054359495-74.6569700024911816_2_23_C01E71130 Route 202redacted-o8$158,800$4,521
40.575073338768-74.6578770469871816_2_23_C00D31130 Route 202redacted-o8$237,000$6,747
40.575082269432-74.6572159098451816_2_23_C01E21130 Route 202redacted-o8$197,600$5,625
40.57509489164-74.657034901831816_2_23_C01E61130 Route 202redacted-o8$158,800$4,521
40.575504059591-74.6579353980681816_2_23_C00A71130 Route 202redacted-o8$237,000$6,747
40.575528245117-74.6574958397991816_2_23_C00B71130 Route 202redacted-o8$237,000$6,747
40.575537707301-74.6580407920741816_2_23_C00A11130 Route 202redacted-o8$237,000$6,747
40.575548896937-74.6578374313271816_2_23_C00A51130 Route 202redacted-o8$190,000$5,409
40.575551911737-74.6570675275731816_2_23_C00C71130 Route 202redacted-o8$237,000$6,747
40.575562108725-74.6575973107861816_2_23_C00B11130 Route 202redacted-o8$237,000$6,747
40.5755728669-74.6574017971441816_2_23_C00B51130 Route 202redacted-o8$237,000$6,747
40.575582544736-74.6579428253561816_2_23_C00A31130 Route 202redacted-o8$237,000$6,747
40.57558547374-74.6571744950831816_2_23_C00C11130 Route 202redacted-o8$237,000
40.575596777273-74.6569690405491816_2_23_C00C51130 Route 202redacted-o8$237,000$6,747
40.57560673059-74.6575032681511816_2_23_C00B31130 Route 202redacted-o8$237,000$6,747
40.575630339367-74.6570760080811816_2_23_C00C31130 Route 202redacted-o8$237,000
40.575917727685-74.6577677456771816_2_23.1530 Alpine Wayredacted-o8$501,800$14,286
40.575930095449-74.6573894671761816_2_23.1432 Alpine Wayredacted-o8$445,300$12,427
40.575950363576-74.6569950299411816_2_23.1334 Alpine Wayredacted-o8$436,400$12,424

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