// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 276 Duer St owned by redacted-o9 in North Plainfield Borough, Somerset County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 276 Duer St, North Plainfield Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1814_103_34

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 276 Duer St, North Plainfield Borough, New Jersey
County: Somerset
Block: 103, Lot: 34
Assessment (2023): $184,800
Effective Flood Zone: AO

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,476
Area: 1805.08 acres
Perimeter: 8.64 miles
Population 2020: 22808
Pop Density 2020: 8087/sq-mi

19 neighbors in North Plainfield Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.623577725751-74.4363179377291814_104_10267-9 Duer Streetredacted-o8$220,000$9,347
40.623653294402-74.4353452686741814_103_29254 Duer Stredacted-o8$193,400$8,217
40.623711345172-74.4365094199271814_104_9271 Duer Stredacted-o8$218,500$9,284
40.623713087712-74.4354485090741814_103_30256 Duer Stredacted-o8$218,200$9,271
40.623776073781-74.4355459745811814_103_31258 Duer Streetredacted-o8$280,500$11,918
40.6237936189-74.4366400366551814_104_8273-5 Duer Stredacted-o8$239,100$10,159
40.623836634396-74.4356459010951814_103_32260 Duer Stredacted-o8$178,200$7,571
40.623939858256-74.435814293741814_103_33264 Duer Streetredacted-o8$239,300$10,167
40.62408162791-74.4360240617861814_103_34276 Duer Stredacted-o8$184,800$7,852
40.624122535034-74.435395983881814_103_1421 Stone Stredacted-o8$200,000$8,498
40.624171507476-74.4361997175861814_103_35282 Duer Streetredacted-o8$212,400$9,024
40.624189222653-74.43550686871814_103_1323 Stone Stredacted-o8$227,100$9,649
40.624200324252-74.4363996063571814_103_36286 Duer Stredacted-o8$167,700$7,125
40.62425032492-74.4356085901191814_103_1225 Stone Streetredacted-o8$181,400$7,707
40.624311052528-74.4357096728391814_103_1127 Stone Stredacted-o8$179,000$7,605
40.624336937863-74.436426684641814_103_37288 Duer Streetredacted-o8$268,100$11,391
40.624438688939-74.4366800622261814_103_38290-2 Duer Streetredacted-o8$187,400$7,962
40.624469547132-74.4359555763061814_103_1029 Stone Stredacted-o8$214,500$9,114
40.624624831017-74.4353541374751814_102_2328 Stone Streetredacted-o8$240,000$10,197

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