// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 51 Scarlet Oak Drive owned by redacted-o9 in Montgomery Township, Somerset County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 51 Scarlet Oak Drive, Montgomery Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1813_37005_11

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 51 Scarlet Oak Drive, Montgomery Township, New Jersey
County: Somerset
Block: 37005, Lot: 11
Assessment (2023): $308,100

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 8,360
Area: 20788.5 acres
Perimeter: 28.63 miles
Population 2020: 23690
Pop Density 2020: 729/sq-mi

26 neighbors in Montgomery Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.390614200963-74.6487828005661813_37002_2440 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$340,600$11,658
40.390659961434-74.648719625421813_37002_2342 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$290,000$9,926
40.390713697967-74.6486501905411813_37002_2244 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$351,000$12,014
40.390880326885-74.6491647391361813_37005_1237 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$360,300$12,333
40.390885001512-74.6485838763991813_37002_2146 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$367,600$12,582
40.390890279988-74.6492628926851813_37005_1335 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$293,800$10,056
40.390906509602-74.6493464026551813_37005_1433 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$339,800$11,631
40.390922739784-74.6494299130761813_37005_1531 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$339,800$11,631
40.390938970202-74.6495134246631813_37005_1629 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$310,000$10,611
40.390957565771-74.6496091146831813_37005_1727 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$351,000$12,014
40.390957866098-74.6485580549231813_37002_2048 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$348,300$11,922
40.391020766701-74.6485325094061813_37002_1950 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$300,000$10,269
40.391082918592-74.6485042121241813_37002_1852 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$340,000$11,638
40.39114432032-74.6484731686191813_37002_1754 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$350,900$12,011
40.391145330494-74.6490194686851813_37005_1151 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$308,100$10,546
40.391216784379-74.6484361501961813_37002_1656 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$360,500$12,339
40.391217030028-74.6489876505541813_37005_1053 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$349,700$11,970
40.39127873606-74.6489571512461813_37005_955 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$310,900$10,642
40.391348588909-74.6489189705561813_37005_857 Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8$351,700$12,038
40.391351252777-74.649462326941813_37007_1River Birch Circleredacted-o8
40.391432737954-74.6495174684561813_37005_1.01Scarlet Oak Driveredacted-o8
40.391588926441-74.6486946314191813_37005_778 River Birch Circleredacted-o8$339,800$11,631
40.391616680337-74.6487864470131813_37005_676 River Birch Circleredacted-o8$327,200$11,200
40.391640901366-74.648866577781813_37005_574 River Birch Circleredacted-o8$275,000$9,413
40.391665123886-74.648946712371813_37005_472 River Birch Circleredacted-o8$333,100$11,402
40.391689347646-74.6490268431461813_37005_370 River Birch Circleredacted-o8$324,600$11,111

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