// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1516 W Camplain Rd owned by redacted-o9 in Manville Borough, Somerset County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1516 W Camplain Rd, Manville Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1811_95_49

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1516 W Camplain Rd, Manville Borough, New Jersey
County: Somerset
Block: 95, Lot: 49
Assessment (2023): $346,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 11,604
Area: 1567.6 acres
Perimeter: 8.55 miles
Population 2020: 10953
Pop Density 2020: 4472/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Manville Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.537674804202-74.5996656814091811_120_71615 W. Camplain Rd.redacted-o8$351,000$8,438
40.537720537974-74.598485642281811_121_54210 So. 15th Ave.redacted-o8$344,100$8,272
40.537722687169-74.5994617803041811_120_41609 W. Camplain Rd.redacted-o8$307,800$7,399
40.537771737559-74.5992563652071811_120_11601 W. Camplain Rd.redacted-o8$347,500$8,353
40.537870176016-74.5988440148971811_121_71515 W. Camplain Rd.redacted-o8$296,500$7,127
40.537931244822-74.5985843415071811_121_31511 W Camplain Rdredacted-o8$321,700$7,733
40.537962414325-74.5984450500241811_121_11501 W. Camplain Rd.redacted-o8$308,300$7,411
40.538070760561-74.599686693361811_94_451610 W. Camplain Rd.redacted-o8$304,400$7,317
40.538135048008-74.5994158915591811_94_411600 W. Camplain Rd.redacted-o8$312,600$7,514
40.538218366882-74.5990750647851811_95_491516 W Camplain Rdredacted-o8$346,700$8,334
40.538267215752-74.5988683404761811_95_461510 W. Camplain Rd.redacted-o8$342,500$8,233
40.538331728372-74.5985933911971811_95_421500 W. Camplain Rd.redacted-o8$482,800$11,606
40.538365175241-74.5996592587091811_94_38154 So. 16th Ave.redacted-o8$410,700$9,873
40.538376472416-74.5991398938011811_95_52157 So. 16th Ave.redacted-o8$9,000$216
40.538481718558-74.5991828021591811_95_54155 So. 16th Ave.redacted-o8$334,800$8,048
40.538520752754-74.5997240728561811_94_35150 So. 16th Ave.redacted-o8$301,200$7,240
40.538563099341-74.5988401988791811_95_39156 So. 15th Ave.redacted-o8$331,800$7,976
40.538587501195-74.599227829981811_95_56149 So. 16th Ave.redacted-o8$358,900$8,627
40.538624800769-74.5997664041541811_94_33146 So. 16th Ave.redacted-o8$263,700$6,339
40.538728356908-74.5983828537761811_96_55153 So. 15th Ave.redacted-o8$227,000$7,380
40.538743343025-74.5992912578831811_95_59143 So. 16th Ave.redacted-o8$303,100$7,286

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