// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 154 So. 7th Ave. owned by redacted-o9 in Manville Borough, Somerset County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 154 So. 7th Ave., Manville Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1811_107_29

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 154 So. 7th Ave., Manville Borough, New Jersey
County: Somerset
Block: 107, Lot: 29
Assessment (2023): $322,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 11,604
Area: 1567.6 acres
Perimeter: 8.55 miles
Population 2020: 10953
Pop Density 2020: 4472/sq-mi

28 neighbors in Manville Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.539765222119-74.5925521883161811_107_43718 W. Camplain Rd.redacted-o8$379,300$9,118
40.5398154626-74.5923458785791811_107_40712 W. Camplain Rd.redacted-o8$274,400$6,596
40.539856507935-74.5921555138941811_107_37.02710 W. Camplain Rd.redacted-o8$600,000$14,424
40.53989782227-74.5920015384681811_107_35700 W. Camplain Rd.redacted-o8$500,000$12,020
40.539939397079-74.5925424463861811_107_45153 So. 8th Ave.redacted-o8$331,000$7,957
40.539948882447-74.5917938698421811_108_36_CB205158 So. 6th Ave.redacted-o8$157,500$3,786
40.539964664292-74.5917245429521811_108_35_CB204166 So. 6th Ave.redacted-o8$131,300$3,156
40.5399819277-74.5916543371041811_108_34_CB203162 So. 6th Ave.redacted-o8$131,300$3,156
40.540042905382-74.5925848595821811_107_47147-149 So. 8th Ave.redacted-o8$413,800$9,947
40.540072088962-74.5922248973511811_107_33156 So. 7th Ave.redacted-o8$348,900$8,387
40.54013668507-74.5917177291311811_108_37_CB206156 So. 6th Ave.redacted-o8$158,000$3,798
40.540188339424-74.5917391185511811_108_38_CB207154 So. 6th Ave.redacted-o8$172,100$4,137
40.540239838786-74.5917601320781811_108_39_CB208152 So. 6th Ave.redacted-o8$157,500$3,786
40.540279886518-74.5923109850011811_107_29154 So. 7th Ave.redacted-o8$322,400$7,750
40.540291039126-74.5917808123591811_108_40_CB209148 So. 6th Ave.redacted-o8$181,700$4,368
40.540303214937-74.5926916515931811_107_52143 So. 8th Ave.redacted-o8$322,600$7,755
40.540342067681-74.591801842061811_108_41_CB210150 So. 6th Ave.redacted-o8$178,300$4,286
40.540382675857-74.5923522884691811_107_27146 So. 7th Ave.redacted-o8$349,500$8,151
40.540394112896-74.5918249419591811_108_42147 So. 7th Ave.redacted-o8$322,800$7,760
40.54040664989-74.5927347429481811_107_54139 So. 8th Ave.redacted-o8$378,200$9,091
40.540550290169-74.5918871116711811_108_45141 So. 7th Ave.redacted-o8$326,700$7,853
40.540592299513-74.5924397149091811_107_23138 So. 7th Averedacted-o8$328,600$7,899
40.540613441461-74.5928207886491811_107_58131 So. 8th Ave.redacted-o8$387,300$9,310
40.54069407354-74.5924815467521811_107_21134 So. 7th Ave.redacted-o8$328,300$7,892
40.540706417429-74.5919530220151811_108_48135 So. 7th Ave.redacted-o8$315,800$7,591
40.540798268394-74.5925236685771811_107_19130 So. 7th Ave.redacted-o8$285,800$6,870
40.540809784615-74.59199552191811_108_50131 So. 7th Ave.redacted-o8$305,200$7,337
40.540822232141-74.592906874861811_107_62123 So. 8th Ave.redacted-o8$329,900$7,930

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