// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 181 Crestview Road owned by redacted-o9 in Bridgewater Township, Somerset County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 181 Crestview Road, Bridgewater Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1806_531_181

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 181 Crestview Road, Bridgewater Township, New Jersey
County: Somerset
Block: 531, Lot: 181
Assessment (2023): $409,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 16,656
Area: 20711.2 acres
Perimeter: 42.12 miles
Population 2020: 45977
Pop Density 2020: 1421/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Bridgewater Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.599208795424-74.6206334139651806_530_153153 Bonney Ct.redacted-o8$405,300$8,045
40.599215151637-74.6195262070981806_531_222222 Longview Rd.redacted-o8$423,600$8,408
40.599231082615-74.6194475018631806_531_223223 Longview Rd.redacted-o8$416,700$8,271
40.599481422691-74.6201346608151806_531_211211 Crestview Roadredacted-o8$387,400$7,689
40.599487207302-74.6200352942441806_531_210210 Crestview Roadredacted-o8$449,600$8,924
40.599491758165-74.6199589700931806_531_209209 Crestview Roadredacted-o8$448,700$8,906
40.599496457095-74.6198616071041806_531_208208 Crestview Roadredacted-o8$411,200$8,162
40.599513751574-74.6196892465971806_531_207207 Crestview Roadredacted-o8$361,900$7,183
40.599524831005-74.6207650310891806_530_9393 Bonney Ct.redacted-o8$368,300$7,310
40.599530357215-74.6206679662891806_530_9292 Bonney Ct.redacted-o8$393,400$7,808
40.59953310433-74.6195907414781806_531_206206 Crestview Roadredacted-o8$368,200$7,308
40.599547673454-74.6195179996591806_531_205205 Crestview Roadredacted-o8$448,700$8,906
40.599562158533-74.6194450115121806_531_204204 Crestview Roadredacted-o8$435,400$8,642
40.599756392049-74.6200970229851806_531_181181 Crestview Roadredacted-o8$409,700$8,132
40.59983026931-74.6201045075581806_531_182182 Crestview Roadredacted-o8$378,300$7,509
40.599893486423-74.6201113062451806_531_183183 Crestview Roadredacted-o8$442,500$8,783
40.599954219869-74.6201178198771806_531_184184 Crestview Roadredacted-o8$449,800$8,928
40.600008056962-74.6207717581631806_530_8989 Village Circleredacted-o8$398,200$7,904
40.600009405649-74.6201238320641806_531_185185 Crestview Roadredacted-o8$367,800$7,300
40.600068855969-74.6201301119851806_531_186186 Crestview Roadredacted-o8$374,500$7,183
40.600082299809-74.6207794460311806_530_9090 Village Circleredacted-o8$378,500$7,513
40.600150991786-74.6201394081411806_531_187187 Crestview Roadredacted-o8$368,000$7,304
40.60015723524-74.620786866911806_530_9191 Village Circleredacted-o8$400,300$7,945

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