// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 707 Dunn Circle owned by redacted-o9 in Bridgewater Township, Somerset County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 707 Dunn Circle, Bridgewater Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1806_199_707

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 707 Dunn Circle, Bridgewater Township, New Jersey
County: Somerset
Block: 199, Lot: 707
Assessment (2023): $374,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 16,656
Area: 20711.2 acres
Perimeter: 42.12 miles
Population 2020: 45977
Pop Density 2020: 1421/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Bridgewater Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.58518672301-74.6741436143141806_199_607607 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$182,600$3,624
40.585194994003-74.6740035517071806_199_609609 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$132,500$2,630
40.585205209839-74.6738275969461806_199_612612 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$142,800$2,834
40.585224764432-74.6740988552051806_199_608608 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$173,400$3,441
40.585232341602-74.6739637715011806_199_610610 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$140,700$2,792
40.585237110586-74.6738754980671806_199_611611 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$143,000$2,838
40.585292465793-74.6741061520731806_199_605605 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$175,500$3,483
40.585300043017-74.6739710379131806_199_603603 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$135,400$2,687
40.585304812007-74.6738827643911806_199_602602 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$167,700$3,328
40.585322188237-74.6741571679691806_199_606606 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$274,700$5,452
40.585330396783-74.6740181149391806_199_604604 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$132,500$2,630
40.585340675209-74.6738410798761806_199_601601 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$183,200$3,636
40.585551033162-74.6734842385711806_199_707707 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$374,000$7,423
40.585555150205-74.6735408376271806_199_706706 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$370,000$7,344
40.585586220943-74.6734119120271806_199_708708 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$297,500$5,905
40.585600059059-74.673604313241806_199_705705 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$300,100$5,956
40.585627103775-74.673474747741806_199_709709 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$289,200$5,740
40.585630905609-74.6735313774781806_199_704704 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$304,800$6,050
40.585709162824-74.6734646018441806_199_710710 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$296,700$5,889
40.585712949583-74.6735212559611806_199_703703 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$310,000$6,153
40.585740944659-74.6733941351521806_199_711711 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$293,700$5,829
40.585754746333-74.6735864865451806_199_702702 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$300,200$5,958
40.585787707344-74.6734548466491806_199_712712 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$384,200$7,626
40.585791791004-74.673511408671806_199_701701 Dunn Circleredacted-o8$356,200$7,070

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