// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 908 Doolittle Drive owned by redacted-o9 in Bridgewater Township, Somerset County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 908 Doolittle Drive, Bridgewater Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1806_164_908

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 908 Doolittle Drive, Bridgewater Township, New Jersey
County: Somerset
Block: 164, Lot: 908
Assessment (2023): $325,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 16,656
Area: 20711.2 acres
Perimeter: 42.12 miles
Population 2020: 45977
Pop Density 2020: 1421/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Bridgewater Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.578388727606-74.6729657709871806_164_31023102 Pinhorn Driveredacted-o8$186,500$3,702
40.578403801153-74.6729056854161806_164_31013101 Pinhorn Dr.redacted-o8$99,200$1,969
40.578434459774-74.6730552149051806_164_31043104 Pinhorn Driveredacted-o8$77,900$1,546
40.578451304755-74.6729986242861806_164_31033103 Pinhorn Driveredacted-o8$186,500$3,702
40.578487170806-74.6728784378161806_164_31083108 Pinhorn Driveredacted-o8$241,600$4,795
40.578506253096-74.6728148519591806_164_31073107 Pinhorn Driveredacted-o8$247,500$4,912
40.578532902981-74.6729679219661806_164_31063106 Pinhorn Dr.redacted-o8$236,000$4,684
40.578553695482-74.6729078210661806_164_31053105 Pinhorn Driveredacted-o8$240,500$4,773
40.578741573246-74.6734880747511806_164_908908 Doolittle Driveredacted-o8$325,500$6,461
40.578763546481-74.6734240019041806_164_907907 Doolittle Driveredacted-o8$319,300$6,338
40.578785772626-74.6733590897931806_164_906906 Doolittle Driveredacted-o8$355,800$7,062
40.578809204264-74.673290579111806_164_905905 Doolittle Driveredacted-o8$348,400$6,915
40.578833426311-74.6732196413471806_164_904904 Doolittle Driveredacted-o8$374,700$7,437
40.578857547192-74.6731490470391806_164_903903 Doolittle Driveredacted-o8$378,200$7,507
40.578881489837-74.6730791482151806_164_902902 Doolittle Driveredacted-o8$359,100$7,128
40.578907970671-74.6730017110391806_164_901901 Doolittle Driveredacted-o8$374,000$7,423
40.578996029466-74.6727909993061806_164_11081108 Doolittle Dr.redacted-o8$352,800$7,003
40.579228315438-74.6734494526511806_164_10011001 Doolittle Driveredacted-o8$153,000$6,544
40.579255329677-74.6733783629811806_164_10021002 Doolittle Driveredacted-o8$334,000$6,629
40.579283223913-74.673304872711806_164_10031003 Doolittle Dr.redacted-o8$323,700$6,425

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