// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 701 Brokaw Court owned by redacted-o9 in Bridgewater Township, Somerset County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 701 Brokaw Court, Bridgewater Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1806_164_701

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 701 Brokaw Court, Bridgewater Township, New Jersey
County: Somerset
Block: 164, Lot: 701
Assessment (2023): $376,100
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 16,656
Area: 20711.2 acres
Perimeter: 42.12 miles
Population 2020: 45977
Pop Density 2020: 1421/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Bridgewater Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.580878341009-74.6746281690731806_164_706706 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$370,000$7,344
40.580896683575-74.6745535933341806_164_705705 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$376,100$7,465
40.580915742024-74.6744759166591806_164_704704 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$357,100$7,088
40.580934743342-74.6743983968521806_164_703703 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$369,200$7,328
40.580953210815-74.6743231717861806_164_702702 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$361,900$7,183
40.580970460722-74.674252919821806_164_701701 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$376,100$7,465
40.581019382711-74.6740595020611806_164_508508 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$383,600$7,614
40.581038563242-74.6739878647541806_164_507507 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$378,100$7,505
40.581057097343-74.6739183958971806_164_506506 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$334,500$6,639
40.581075566287-74.6738494654811806_164_505505 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$323,000$6,411
40.581095235231-74.673776217851806_164_504504 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$366,900$7,282
40.581114852601-74.6737028068241806_164_503503 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$359,300$7,132
40.581133711693-74.6736323159971806_164_502502 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$363,900$7,223
40.581152851634-74.6735608074331806_164_501501 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$366,500$7,275
40.581271203231-74.6748546678161806_164_808808 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$332,100$6,592
40.581293394152-74.6747837089491806_164_807807 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$313,900$6,230
40.581316676925-74.6747092100991806_164_806806 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$308,500$6,123
40.581340574925-74.6746328533191806_164_805805 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$325,300$6,457
40.581363669261-74.6745588845511806_164_804804 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$322,900$6,409
40.581385832191-74.6744880641791806_164_803803 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$330,800$6,566
40.581408409249-74.6744157743731806_164_802802 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$374,100$7,425
40.581431693787-74.6743414509681806_164_801801 Brokaw Courtredacted-o8$385,300$7,648

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