// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 16 North Street owned by redacted-o9 in Bound Brook Borough, Somerset County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 16 North Street, Bound Brook Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1804_19_20

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 16 North Street, Bound Brook Borough, New Jersey
County: Somerset
Block: 19, Lot: 20
Assessment (2023): $334,300
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,806
Area: 1084.71 acres
Perimeter: 7.17 miles
Population 2020: 11988
Pop Density 2020: 7073/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Bound Brook Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.561139752759-74.5425267904781804_18_14353-355 Talmage Avenueredacted-o8$455,000$10,728
40.561274589365-74.5412172845581804_19_13323 Talmage Avenueredacted-o8$356,200$8,399
40.561274893508-74.5421027922011804_19_19341 Talmage Avenueredacted-o8$478,000$11,271
40.561293456618-74.5419337261481804_19_18337 Talmage Avenueredacted-o8$310,900$7,331
40.561295569248-74.5413060762921804_19_14325 Talmage Avenueredacted-o8$356,300$8,401
40.561297619109-74.5414953439441804_19_15.01327b Talmage Avenueredacted-o8$316,800$7,470
40.561311243204-74.5417847291141804_19_17333 Talmage Avenueredacted-o8$370,800$8,743
40.561324226831-74.5416318713981804_19_16329 Talmage Avenueredacted-o8$693,700$16,357
40.561333189727-74.5414150934841804_19_15327a Talmage Avenueredacted-o8$439,300$10,358
40.561353506525-74.5425657573941804_18_14.0111 North Streetredacted-o8$340,800$8,036
40.561468230639-74.5413043676591804_19_129 Fisher Avenueredacted-o8$425,200$10,026
40.561562864665-74.5414198743881804_19_1113 Fisher Avenueredacted-o8$340,900$8,038
40.561571377839-74.5419298502791804_19_2016 North Streetredacted-o8$334,300$7,882
40.561669543733-74.5414479140041804_19_1015 Fisher Avenueredacted-o8$354,800$8,366
40.561678459687-74.5419580580511804_19_2118 North Streetredacted-o8$255,800$6,031
40.561777259845-74.541476289261804_19_917 Fisher Avenueredacted-o8$289,900$6,335
40.561786220762-74.5419812328021804_19_2222 North Streetredacted-o8$284,500$6,708
40.561893561679-74.5420051006761804_19_2326 North Streetredacted-o8$262,800$6,196
40.561913029964-74.5415114443421804_19_821 Fisher Avenueredacted-o8$372,800$8,790
40.561999840879-74.5420312323191804_19_2428 North Streetredacted-o8$413,300$9,745
40.562058801251-74.5415491267881804_19_7.0123-25 Fisher Avenueredacted-o8$310,500$7,321

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