// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 42 Potomac Dr owned by redacted-o9 in Bernards Township, Somerset County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 42 Potomac Dr, Bernards Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1802_8701_23_CONDO

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 42 Potomac Dr, Bernards Township, New Jersey
County: Somerset
Block: 8701, Lot: 23, QCode: CONDO
Assessment (2023): $302,300
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,295
Area: 15567.6 acres
Perimeter: 33.42 miles
Population 2020: 27830
Pop Density 2020: 1144/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Bernards Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.658337721479-74.545129517551802_8701_347_CONDO46 Potomac Drredacted-o8$262,500$4,950
40.658859622333-74.5447841952131802_8701_22_CONDO39 Potomac Drredacted-o8$296,000$5,582
40.658875023671-74.5447290554661802_8701_21_CONDO40 Potomac Drredacted-o8$299,000$5,639
40.65888497228-74.5448917595621802_8701_23_CONDO42 Potomac Drredacted-o8$302,300$5,701
40.658898458639-74.5449801873871802_8701_25_CONDO44 Potomac Drredacted-o8$329,500$6,214
40.658918864949-74.5442239310711802_8701_33_CONDO116 Potomac Drredacted-o8$331,900$6,259
40.658926003487-74.5449114419961802_8701_24_CONDO41 Potomac Drredacted-o8$331,900$5,759
40.65892679897-74.544767008371802_8701_20_CONDO37 Potomac Drredacted-o8$305,200$5,756
40.658928949221-74.5450062700691802_8701_26_CONDO43 Potomac Drredacted-o8$254,900$4,807
40.658942985866-74.5447112580751802_8701_19_CONDO38 Potomac Drredacted-o8$327,800$6,182
40.658952004024-74.5442630026531802_8701_34_CONDO115 Potomac Drredacted-o8$306,800$5,786
40.658966661708-74.5441775437051802_8701_32_CONDO113 Potomac Drredacted-o8$296,000$5,582
40.658983256776-74.5455361933371802_8701_379_CONDO2 Potomac Drredacted-o8$290,500$5,478
40.6589937009-74.5447498709791802_8701_18_CONDO35 Potomac Drredacted-o8$319,600$6,027
40.659008675606-74.5446940299361802_8701_17_CONDO36 Potomac Drredacted-o8$310,600$5,857
40.659016858254-74.5455658647641802_8701_380_CONDO1 Potomac Drredacted-o8$244,100$4,603
40.659040003691-74.54428843331802_8701_35_CONDO118 Potomac Drredacted-o8$310,600$5,857
40.659055397682-74.5447194910421802_8701_16_CONDO33 Potomac Drredacted-o8$259,600$4,896
40.659070505452-74.5442461393081802_8701_36_CONDO117 Potomac Drredacted-o8$299,000$5,389
40.659071364796-74.5446683291241802_8701_15_CONDO34 Potomac Drredacted-o8$296,300$5,588
40.659103138473-74.5443091829941802_8701_37_CONDO120 Potomac Drredacted-o8$362,600$6,838
40.659133923376-74.5442869576591802_8701_38_CONDO119 Potomac Drredacted-o8$270,900$5,109

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