// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 386 Potomac Dr owned by redacted-o9 in Bernards Township, Somerset County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 386 Potomac Dr, Bernards Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1802_8701_175_CONDO

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 386 Potomac Dr, Bernards Township, New Jersey
County: Somerset
Block: 8701, Lot: 175, QCode: CONDO
Assessment (2023): $273,100
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,295
Area: 15567.6 acres
Perimeter: 33.42 miles
Population 2020: 27830
Pop Density 2020: 1144/sq-mi

18 neighbors in Bernards Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.660181349873-74.5398611802511802_8701_190_CONDO331 Potomac Drredacted-o8$294,100$5,546
40.660188305752-74.5396973345091802_8701_194_CONDO336 Potomac Drredacted-o8$305,500$5,761
40.660212159987-74.5397921945921802_8701_195_CONDO337 Potomac Drredacted-o8$292,500$5,516
40.660223138055-74.5397045520231802_8701_196_CONDO338 Potomac Drredacted-o8$337,100$6,357
40.660446664899-74.5398199569051802_8701_185_CONDO396 Potomac Drredacted-o8$331,300$6,248
40.660450700252-74.5398676630181802_8701_186_CONDO395 Potomac Drredacted-o8$243,700$4,596
40.660491820831-74.5397534274431802_8701_183_CONDO394 Potomac Drredacted-o8$338,700$6,387
40.660504337608-74.5398087766671802_8701_184_CONDO393 Potomac Drredacted-o8$301,500$5,686
40.660508749645-74.5405536055831802_8701_163_CONDO374 Potomac Drredacted-o8$266,100$5,018
40.66056567749-74.5396670087741802_8701_181_CONDO392 Potomac Drredacted-o8$318,400$5,755
40.660575105926-74.5396119630411802_8701_182_CONDO391 Potomac Drredacted-o8$307,700$5,803
40.660616660586-74.5397297404091802_8701_179_CONDO390 Potomac Drredacted-o8$309,800$5,842
40.660624275255-74.5396719999161802_8701_180_CONDO389 Potomac Drredacted-o8$294,900$5,561
40.660668024435-74.5397929631621802_8701_177_CONDO388 Potomac Drredacted-o8$299,000$5,639
40.660676363393-74.5397356034771802_8701_178_CONDO387 Potomac Drredacted-o8$296,000$5,582
40.660725239879-74.5397961395441802_8701_176_CONDO385 Potomac Drredacted-o8$259,100$4,886
40.660728964482-74.539842052271802_8701_175_CONDO386 Potomac Drredacted-o8$273,100$5,150
40.660775040717-74.5405277017621802_8701_174_CONDO383 Potomac Drredacted-o8$254,000$4,790

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