// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 156 Patriot Hill Dr owned by redacted-o9 in Bernards Township, Somerset County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 156 Patriot Hill Dr, Bernards Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1802_10505_46

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 156 Patriot Hill Dr, Bernards Township, New Jersey
County: Somerset
Block: 10505, Lot: 46
Assessment (2023): $699,200
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,295
Area: 15567.6 acres
Perimeter: 33.42 miles
Population 2020: 27830
Pop Density 2020: 1144/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Bernards Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.648675473429-74.6126303635271802_10505_52168 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$716,400$13,511
40.6491085018-74.6125792408821802_10503_14163 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$738,400$13,926
40.64869578353-74.6124768509541802_10505_51166 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$686,100$12,939
40.649162986075-74.6124382180051802_10503_13161 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$721,500$13,607
40.648726399648-74.6123805945011802_10505_50164 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$643,500$12,136
40.649406698988-74.6123206580551802_10503_11137 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$656,600$12,383
40.649306363799-74.6123176172591802_10503_12139 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$680,800$12,839
40.648758737528-74.6122867921211802_10505_49162 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$717,100$13,524
40.648818847808-74.6121727542171802_10505_48160 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$699,800$13,198
40.648872536904-74.6120302741802_10505_47158 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$714,900$13,483
40.648904933955-74.6119096101461802_10505_46156 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$699,200$13,186
40.648926085419-74.6118118020061802_10505_45154 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$706,600$13,326
40.648948699942-74.6117157428881802_10505_44152 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$708,600$13,364
40.64897251331-74.6116199113681802_10505_43150 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$684,400$12,907
40.64899687387-74.6114753976251802_10505_42148 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$691,200$13,036
40.648435281361-74.6114089973731802_10505_6343 Watchung Drredacted-o8$1,019,500$19,227
40.649105682376-74.6113245778781802_10505_41146 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$720,300$13,584
40.649220824147-74.6113152766571802_10505_40144 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$700,800$13,217
40.649298778416-74.6113001300271802_10505_39142 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$724,900$13,671
40.649411272836-74.611270955261802_10505_38140 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$683,800$12,646
40.648540675635-74.6112275156071802_10505_6441 Watchung Drredacted-o8$938,400$17,698

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