// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 229 Patriot Hill Dr owned by redacted-o9 in Bernards Township, Somerset County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 229 Patriot Hill Dr, Bernards Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 1802_10503_37

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 229 Patriot Hill Dr, Bernards Township, New Jersey
County: Somerset
Block: 10503, Lot: 37
Assessment (2023): $662,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 10,295
Area: 15567.6 acres
Perimeter: 33.42 miles
Population 2020: 27830
Pop Density 2020: 1144/sq-mi

26 neighbors in Bernards Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.650901437753-74.614932085561802_10502_1531 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$689,700$13,007
40.650471393657-74.6148788786071802_10502_60224 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$737,700$13,913
40.650544449629-74.6147766657071802_10502_59226 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$727,800$13,726
40.65060241176-74.6147087151091802_10502_58228 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$704,700$13,290
40.650658381558-74.6146386787861802_10502_57230 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$707,400$13,341
40.650711791851-74.6145658651671802_10502_56232 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$751,000$14,163
40.649920560583-74.6145235503091802_10503_32215 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$721,400$13,605
40.649997665913-74.6145135908231802_10503_33217 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$694,800$13,103
40.650110472457-74.6144955027851802_10503_34219 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$761,400$14,360
40.650788401519-74.614471469721802_10502_55234 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$752,000$14,182
40.650236395039-74.6143911766671802_10503_35225 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$719,900$13,577
40.650861134392-74.6143324140281802_10502_54236 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$730,700$13,781
40.650304979637-74.6142922824781802_10503_36227 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$750,900$14,161
40.650360682961-74.6142226249251802_10503_37229 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$662,700$12,498
40.650896814384-74.6142031213711802_10502_53238 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$751,500$14,173
40.650414114647-74.6141501835351802_10503_38231 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$657,400$12,398
40.650064191493-74.6141139927891802_10503_6336 Hancock Ctredacted-o8$739,500$13,946
40.649920116037-74.6140874202381802_10503_6434 Hancock Ctredacted-o8$707,400$13,341
40.65046538419-74.6140749311451802_10503_39233 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$690,000$13,013
40.649871125013-74.6140041657711802_10503_6532 Hancock Ctredacted-o8$714,800$13,632
40.650535774866-74.6139827868671802_10503_40235 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$699,600$13,194
40.650599123604-74.6138110429361802_10503_41243 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$708,400$13,360
40.650322797561-74.6136923241061802_10503_6223 Hancock Ctredacted-o8$710,600$13,401
40.6506224414-74.6136707362441802_10503_42245 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$712,800$13,443
40.649867669557-74.6135821346831802_10503_6826 Hancock Ctredacted-o8$678,700$12,800
40.65063936269-74.6135718127171802_10503_43247 Patriot Hill Drredacted-o8$672,000$12,673

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